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Table 1 Model Definitions and Abriviations

From: The genetic basis of multiple sclerosis: a model for MS susceptibility



allelic frequency of the HLA DRB1*1501 susceptibility allele in the general population (only one copy needed for susceptibility)



allelic frequency of the HLA DRB1*1501 susceptibility allele in the MS population (ahm = 0.328 in UCSF database)

a1, a2, a3


expected allelic frequency of dominant (a1), recessive (a2), and mixed (a3) alleles at the non-HLA DRB1 loci in the general population

a1m, a2m, a3m


allelic frequency of dominant (a1m), recessive (a2m), and mixed (a3m) alleles at the non-HLA DRB1 loci in an MS population

Fi, F


unknown "frequency of susceptibility" (see text for definition) at the non-HLA loci in the general population (i = 1, 2,...x). [E(Fi) = F = h/r)]



"frequency of susceptibility" at a non-HLA locus in an MS population



known "frequency of susceptibility" at the HLA DRB1 locus in the general population (equal to the probability of having at least 1 copy of this allele) [h = 2ah - (ah)2 = 0.24]



known "frequency of susceptibility" at the HLA DRB1 locus in the MS population (equal to the probability of having at least 1 copy of this allele) [in the UCSF dataset; hm = 0.55]

Pa1, Pa2, Pa3


probability that a person in the general population has a "susceptible allelic state" (see text for definition) at dominant (Pa1), recessive (Pa2), and mixed (Pa3) non-HLA DRB1 loci. (Pa1 = Pa2 = Pa3 = F = h/r)



probability that person with an HLA-negative sibling (not an identical- twin) has at least one copy of the HLA DRB1*1501 allele



probability that an individual with an affected HLA DRB1*1501 positive sibling has at least one copy this gene

PA1, PA2, PA3


probability that an individual will inherit a "susceptible allelic state" given that their sibling is known to be in this state (see text for definition) at dominant (Pa1), recessive (Pa2), and mixed (Pa3) non-HLA DRB1 loci.

x (x1, x2, x3)


number of non-HLA DRB1susceptibility genetic loci involved in MS (dominant loci = x1; recessive loci = x2; mixed loci = x3). [x1 + x2 + x3 = x]



Probability that an individual (from the general population) is both susceptible to getting MS and carries the HLA DRB1*1501 allele. (if Pt1 = Pt0; then PHM = hm)



Probability that an individual (from the general population) who is both susceptible to getting MS and is in a susceptible state at a specific non-HLA DRB1 locus. (if Pt1 = Pt0; then PAM = Fm)



ratio of the "frequency of susceptibility" at the HLA DRB1 locus to the average "frequency of susceptibility" at other non-HLA DRB1 loci. [r = h/F]

n (n1, n2, n3)


number of loci in "susceptible allelic states" required for MS to develop (dominant loci = n1; recessive loci = n2; mixed loci = n3). [n1 + n2 + n3 = n]



probability of an individual in the general population possessing at least n loci in a "susceptible allelic state"



proportion of patients, susceptible to MS, who do not have any copies of the HLA DRB1*1501 allele



probability that an individual in the general population is susceptible to MS This probability is the same as P(G).



average penetrance of MS phenotype in susceptible patients. Also equal to the proband-wise monozygotic-twin concordance rate (CRMZ).



average penetrance of MS phenotype in susceptible patients, adjusted for the shared intra-uterine and childhood environment of twins. [Pt* = (Pt) (2.9/5.4) = CRIG] (See text)



average penetrance of MS phenotype in susceptible patients with at least one copy of the HLA DRB1*1501 allele. Also equal to the proband-wise monozygotic-twin concordance rate (ZH+) for this genotype.



average penetrance of MS phenotype in susceptible patients without any copies of the HLA DRB1*1501 allele. Also equal to the proband-wise monozygotic-twin concordance rate (ZH-) for this genotype



Probability of recurrence (i.e., the recurrence rate) in a family member of an MS proband who has at least one copy of the HLA DRB1*1501 allele.



Probability of recurrence (i.e., the recurrence rate) in a family member of an MS proband who lacks the HLA DRB1*1501 allele.



prevalence of the MS phenotype in the general population (equated to the life-time probability of getting MS)



Probability of the 1st twin of an MZ twin-pair getting MS: It is assumed that: P(MZ) = P(MS)

P(MS | MZ)


Conditional probability of getting MS given that your MZ-twin has MS

P(MS | DZ)


Conditional probability of getting MS given that your DZ-twin has MS

P(MS | S)


Conditional probability of getting MS given that your sibling has MS



Probability of having any genotype capable of getting MS in response to some environmental exposure



Probability of receiving any environmental exposure (all factors) sufficient to cause MS in some susceptible individual



proband-wise monozygotic-twin concordance rate for MS.



proband-wise monozygotic-twin concordance rate for MS adjusted for impact of a shared intrauterine environment. [CRIG = (CRMZ) (2.9/5.4)] This variable is the identical to (Pt*) but is used for clarity of the text.



CRIG/P(G | IG) = P(MS, G, E | IG)/P(G | IG)



proband-wise dizygotic-twin concordance rate for MS.



proband-wise monozygotic-twin concordance rate for MS when the proband possesses at least one copy of the HLA DRB1*1501 allele.



proband-wise monozygotic-twin concordance rate for MS when the proband does not possess a copy of the HLA DRB1*1501 allele.



concordance rate for the MS phenotype in a non-twin sibling (1st degree)



concordance rate for the MS phenotype in a Parent or Child (1st degree)



concordance rate for the MS phenotype in an Aunt or Uncle (2nd degree)



concordance rate for the MS phenotype in a First Cousin (3rd degree)