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Table 8 Parallel diffusivity (D || )

From: White matter connectivity in children with autism spectrum disorders: a tract-based spatial statistics study


Subject groups



Autism spectrum disorder


p value


1.49 (.03)

1.34 (.37)


Cing left

1.22 (.24)

1.24 (.05)


Cing right

1.26 (.04)

1.22 (.03)


DAF left

1.29 (.04)

1.26 (.05)


DAF right

1.2 (.26)

1.11 (.37)


IAAF left

1.23 (.04)

1.21 (.04)


IAAF right

1.1 (.04)

1.22 (.06)


IPAF left

1.29 (.05)

1.27 (.05)


IPAF right

1.04 (.49)

1.25 8.05)


  1. Data are expressed as mean (SD). Units of D || are 10-3 mm2/s for mean and standard deviation.
  2. CC: corpus callosum; Cing: cingulum; DAF: direct segment of the arcuate fasciculus; IAAF: indirect anterior segment of the arcuate fasciculus; IPAF: indirect posterior segment of the arcuate fasciculus.
  3. * Statistically significant at the threshold uncorrected p < .05.