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Table 3 One-way ANOVA analyzing between group differences

From: Morphological macrovascular alterations in complex regional pain syndrome type I demonstrated by increased intima-media thickness


Between groups effect

Post-hoc (group)

CCA-IMT mean affected side (mm)



CCA-IMT mean non-affected side (mm)



BRA-IMT mean affected side (mm)



BRA-IMT mean non-affected side (mm)



RA-IMT mean affected side (mm)



RA-IMT mean non- affected side (mm)



QRA/CCA affected side


*, #, +

QRA/CCA non-affected side


#, +

  1. * CRPS vs. PNI, p<0.05; # CRPS vs. PFC, p<0.001; ° CRPS vs. PFC, p<0.05; + PNI vs. PFC, p<0.05. CRPS: patients with complex regional pain syndrome; PNI: patients with peripheral nerve injury; PFC: pain-free controls. CCA: common carotid artery; BRA: brachial artery; RA: radial artery; IMT: intima-media thickness; QRA/CCA: Quotient of the IMT of the radial and carotid artery.