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Table 5 Antiepileptic drugs used in status epilepticus patients by orders

From: The efficacy of intravenous sodium valproate and phenytoin as the first-line treatment in status epilepticus: a comparison study

Order of antiepileptic drugs

Phenytoin group N = 37

Sodium valproate group N = 17


Diazepam 37

Diazepam 16


Phenytoin 37

Sodium valproate 17

Second- line

Phenytoin 9

Sodium valproate 7

Phenobarbital 8

Phenytoin 1

Sodium valproate 7

Third- line

Phenobarbital 7

Phenobarbital 5

Sodium valproate 1


Sodium thiopenthal 1

Propofol 1

Fourth- line

Phenobarbital 1

Sodium thiopenthal 1

  1. Note. Numbers after each antiepileptic drug indicates number of patients.