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Figure 2 | BMC Neurology

Figure 2

From: A chronic fatigue syndrome – related proteome in human cerebrospinal fluid

Figure 2

SF-36 scores for each group (mean ± 95% C.I.). Physical Function (PF), Social Function (SF), Role Physical (RP), Role Emotional (RE), Mental Health (MH), Vitality (Vit), Pain, General Health Perception (GH-P) and General Health Change (GHΔ) were identical for the set of pooled (Cohort 1; yellow bars) and individual (Cohort 2; beige bars) HC subjects. These domains were also identical for the set of pooled CFS (light blue bars), pooled PGI (light purple bars) and CFS individuals (teal bars). Significant differences between these datasets were found for all indicators except RE, MH and GPΔ (p < 0.02 by ANOVA).

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