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Table 1 Demographic and cognitive measures for men and women

From: The effect of body mass index on global brain volume in middle-aged adults: a cross sectional study

Demographic and Cognitive Variables

Mean (SD)

Age (years)

54.2 (6.6)

Education (years)

16.4 (2.5)

Classification: n = Normal / Overweight / Obesea

51 / 42 / 21

Trail Making Test B (seconds)b

61.3 (20.2)

WAIS-III-Digit Span raw scoreb

17.9 (3.8)

RAVLT-Total raw scoreb

49.6 (7.9)


4.6 (5.2)

  1. Data are presented as mean (standard deviation).
  2. Notes: aNormal, overweight, and obese body types are defined using the World Health Organization's classification system.
  3. bThe cognitive and mood variables are presented for the 108 participants in the cognitive analysis. Demographic variables are for the full sample of 114.