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Table 1 Results of SN-TCD and presynaptic and postsynaptic SPECT imaging for each patient subgroup

From: The predictive value of transcranial duplex sonography for the clinical diagnosis in undiagnosed parkinsonian syndromes: comparison with SPECT scans

clinical diagnosis

after follow-up

SN-TCD number positive

(= abnormal) of total

presynaptic SPECT number

abnormal of total

postsynaptic SPECT number

abnormal of total

IPD n = 51

25 of 51

37 of 38

4 of the 21

APS n = 7

4 of 7

6 of 6

3 of 4

   • MSA n = 2

2 of 2

1 of 1

1 of 1

   • PSP n = 2

1 of 2

2 of 2

1 of 1

   • CBD n = 2

0 of 2

2 of 2

1 of 1

   • DLBD n = 1

1 of 1

1 of 1

0 of 1

ET n = 2

0 of 2

0 of 2


VP n = 5

2 of 5

0 of 4

2 (visually 0) of 3

DIP n = 4

0 of 4

0 of 1


rest group n = 6a

1 of 6

0 of 4

0 of 1

undiagnosed n = 7b

3 of 7

3 of 4

1 of 3

n = 82

n = 82

N = 59

n = 32

  1. n: number of patients, SN-TCD: transcranial duplex of the substantia nigra, SPECT: Single Photon Emission Computer tomography, IPD idiopathic Parkinson's disease, APS atypical parkinsonian syndromes, MSA multiple system atrophy, PSP progressive supranuclear paralysis, CBD cortical basal degeneration, DLBD diffuse Lewy body disease, ET essential tremor, VP vascular parkinsonism, DIP drug induced parkinsonism,
  2. a: restgroup: two patients had spontaneous disappeared parkinsonism, 1 normal pressure hydrocephalus, 1 frontotemporal dementia.
  3. b: undiagnosed: a patient was called undiagnosed if it was not possible to draw a conclusion on the final diagnosis according to generally accepted clinical criteria. [1, 3, 18–21]