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Table 2 Distribution of the screened patients who responded yes to one or more of the study questions in the screening questionnaire

From: Prevalence and incidence of neurological disorders among adult Ugandans in rural and urban Mukono district; a cross-sectional study

(N = 1352)

Yes N (%)

Have Persistent loss of sensation (numbness) in arms or legs or hands or feet that is not just due to cold or pain

895 (66.2)

Have severe recurrent headaches that stop one from doing normal daily activities

434 (32.1)

Have persistent weakness in any arms or legs, one side or both sides of the face

301 (22.3)

Have current weakness down one side of the body

267 (19.8)

Have problem opening or closing eye (s) that cannot be explained by tiredness or any other reason.

203 (15.0)

Have problem balancing on legs or difficulty walking that is due to pain or injury

163 (12.1)

Have recurrent attacks of violent shaking in one arm and/or one leg and/or in one side of the face that are not just brief tremors of the hands after working hard

108 (8.0)

Have arms or legs shake multiple times every day not due to alcohol or working hard

88 (6.5)

Have recurrent attacks involving falling with loss of consciousness and violent shaking of the limbs

87 (6.4)

Have shaking of hand, leg or trunk which cannot be controlled

85 (6.3)

Have neurological disorder (a disorder affecting brain, spinal cord or nerves)

68 (5.0)

Shuffles feet and takes small steps when walking not just because of pain

58 (4.3)

Have persistent weakness of one or both sides of face present

49 (3.6)

Ever had a stroke that resulted in long term problems/disability

47 (3.5)

Walk like one who has taken alcohol yet not

46 (3.4)

Have recurrent short attacks of severe shock like pain affecting one side of the face

40 (3.0)

Have persistent problems pronouncing words not just because of having a sore throat or mouth that affects him/her most of the time

36 (2.7)

Have persistent problems with coordination such as stirring a cup of tea with a spoon or buttoning clothes that is not due to pain in hands or arms or because of drinking alcohol

25 (1.9)

Have head shake all or most of the time such that it is visible

21 (1.6)

Have been told to have epilepsy or epileptic fits or seizures

21 (1.6)

Have been told to have Parkinson’s disease

19 (1.4)

Have ever had polio that resulted in long term problems/disability

14 (1.0)