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Table 2 Acute BP treatment protocols

From: The intracerebral hemorrhage acutely decreasing arterial pressure trial II (ICH ADAPT II) protocol

A. <140 mmHg Target Group


Target SBP <140 mmHg within 30 min of randomization


Record BP/HR qa5 min during active treatment; q15 min × 1 h, q30 min × 5 h and q1h × 18 h

Labetalol (IV)

Labetalol test dose: 10 mg bolus over 1 min

If SBP ≥140 mmHg and HR >55 BPM, repeat 10 mg bolus in 5 min.

10–20 mg IV push q5 min until SBP <140 mmHg or HR <55 BPM

Maximum labetalol dose: 300 mg/24 h

And Enalapril (IV) (If available)

Enalapril 1.25 mg bolus

And/or Hydralazine (IV)

If BP persistently >140 mmHg:

Hydralazine test dose: 5 mg IV bolus over 1 min

If SBP ≥140 mmHg, repeat 5 mg IV bolus in 5 min

10–20 mg IV bolus q5 min until SBP <140 mmHg

Maximum hydralazine dose = 240 mg/24 h

Continuous IV Infusions (ICU admission)

If BP persistently >140 mmHg:

Labetalol infusion 2–8 mg/min (maximum 300 mg/24 h) and/or hydralazine infusion 50–150 μg/min

Maintenance Therapy

Maintain SBP <140 mmHg × 24 h minimum

IV treatment prnb

If SBP >140 mmHg at any point:

Labetalol (10–20 mg) / hydralazine (10–20 mg) boluses. Record BP/HR 5 and 15 min later

Enalapril 1.25 mg q6 h if SBP >140 mmHg

If SBP ≤135 mmHg or HR <55 BPM, hold maintenance dose

B. <180 mmHg Target Group


Protocol to be used only if SBP ≥180 mmHg


as listed above

Labetalol (IV)

Labetalol test dose: 10 mg bolus over 1 min

If SBP ≥180 mmHg and HR >55 BPM, repeat 10 mg bolus in 5 min.

10–20 mg IV push q5 min until SBP <180 mmHg or HR <55 BPM

Maximum labetalol dose: 300 mg/24 h

Hydralazine (IV)

If BP persistently >180 mmHg:

Hydralazine test dose: 5 mg IV bolus over 1 min

If SBP ≥180 mmHg, repeat 5 mg IV bolus in 5 min

10–20 mg IV bolus q5 min until SBP <180 mmHg

Maximum hydralazine dose = 240 mg/24 h

Maintenance Therapy

IV treatment prn

If SBP >180 mmHg at any point during 24 h:

Labetalol (10–20 mg) / hydralazine (10–20 mg) boluses. Record BP/HR 5 and 15 min later

  1. aq = every, bprn = when necessary