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Table 4 GRADE evidence profile for all included studies

From: The effectiveness of creatine treatment for Parkinson’s disease: an updated meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

  1. *Basis for the assumed risk (e.g., the median control group risk across studies) is provided in the footnotes. The corresponding risk (and its 95% confidence interval) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the relative effect of the intervention (and its 95% CI). CI: Confidence interval
  2. GRADE Working Group categories for quality of evidence
  3. High quality: Further research is very unlikely to change our confidence in the estimate of effect.
  4. Moderate quality: Further research is likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect and may change the estimate
  5. Low quality: Further research is very likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect and is likely to change the estimate
  6. Very low quality: We are very uncertain about the estimate of effect
  7. 1 Evidence includes lack of allocation concealment and random sequence generation
  8. 2 A moderate variation in baseline variables between trials
  9. 3 The p value for heterogeneity was greater than 0.05, and I2 was 50% in the comparison of four studies; however, the quality of the evidence was not downgraded because it was considered low risk
  10. 4 Two trials [18, 22] used creatine combined with CoQ10 or minocycline as a co-intervention. The intervention was not confined to a single variation, which may induce an indirect influence
  11. 5 The p value for heterogeneity was less than 0.05, and I2 was 79% in this comparison with 2 studies. The quality of the evidence was downgraded for inconsistency
  12. 6 The rate of drop-outs in the trial [19] was high and greater than 20% (397/894 in the creatine group and 289/867 in the placebo group)