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Table 1 Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Non-Diabetic controls (ND) and Diabetic Non-Neuropathic Subjects (DNN), as well as Patients with Sensory Polyneuropathy with Hypoesthesia (DShP) or Hyperesthesia (DSHP), and Diabetic Motor Neuropathy (DMN)

From: Neuropathy-specific alterations in a Mexican population of diabetic patients







Demographic characteristics

N = 375

N = 26

N = 121

N = 55

N = 41

 Age (years)

56 (49–63) bc

50 (42–59) c

58 (52–63) ab

56 (52–61) abc

61 (55–65) a

 Female gender (%)

75 (281/375) a

69 (18/26) ab

63 (76/121) b

62 (34/55) ab

56 (23/41) b

Medical history

 Duration of Diabetes (years)


4 (2–8) b

8 (3–13) ab

10 (4–15) a

13 (5–18) a

 Hypertension (%)


12 (3/26) a

21 (25/121) a

24 (13/55) a

27 (11/41) a

Medical treatment

 Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs (%)


96 (25/26) ab

93 (112/121) a

89 (49/55) ab

78 (32/41) b

 Insulin treatment (%)


8 (2/26) b

17 (21/121) b

27 (15/55) ab

34 (14/41) a

 PPAR-α/γ Activators pioglitazone or bezafibrate (%)


42 (11/26) a

20 (24/121) b

16 (9/55) b

22 (9/41) ab

 HMGCoA reductase Inhibitors (%)


23 (6/26) a

12 (15/121) a

11 (6/55) a

15 (6/41) a

  1. Different letters indicate statistical differences among groups with a p < 0.05, using a Kruskal-Wallis test with a Dunn post test. Data expressed as percentages were analyzed using a Chi-squared test with Yate’s correction for continuity on 2 × 2 contingency tables. Data are represented as median (25th – 75th percentiles of the distribution), except for percentages, which are represented as percentage (number of patients fulfilling the condition/sample size, N)