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Table 1 Summary of the demographic, clinical and biomarker data of the AIS patients

From: Neurogranin and tau in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma of patients with acute ischemic stroke

Patient characteristics

 Age (years)

71 (±14)

 Gender (female/male)


 Time to CSF sampling, at admission (h)

8.7 (± 6.2)

 Time to plasma sampling, at admission (h)

5.2 (± 5.8)

Stroke characteristics

 Ischemic stroke/ transient ischemic attack


 NIHSS at admission

6.8 (±7.8)

 mRS at 3 months

2.4 (±1.9)

 mRS at 12 months

2.1 (±2.3)a

 Infarct volume (mL)

26.0 (±50.1)b

 Shortest distance between infarct and ventricles (mm)

5.5 (±8.6)b

Stroke syndrome:

 - Lacunar stroke syndrome

8 (±16.0)

 - Partial anterior circulation syndrome

20 (±40.0)

 - Total anterior circulation stroke

8 (±16.0)

 - Posterior circulation syndrome

12 (±24.0)

TOAST classification:


 - Lacunar

8 (±16.0)

 - Atherothrombotic

6 (±12.0)

 - Cardioemboligenic

17 (±34.0)

 - Specific

4 (±8.0)

 - Undetermined

13 (±26.0)

 - Mimic

2 (±4.0)

Biochemical analysis at admission

 CSF neurogranin (pg/mL)

380 (279–482)

 CSF tau (pg/mL)

434 (322–535)

  1. Data are represented as mean (±standard deviation) or median values (interquartiles) as appropriate
  2. a n = 43 since for seven patients mRS at 12 m was not available
  3. bMRI data was available for a subset of patients: n = 33