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Table 2 Association of CI, SCCI, non-SCCI presence with baseline characteristics, vertebrobasilar stenosis/occlusion, infarction location, and stroke subtypes

From: Small obliquely oriented cortical cerebellar infarctions are associated with cardioembolic stroke


CI presence (n = 154) vs. CI absence (n = 298)


SCCI presence (n = 104) vs. SCCI absence (n = 348)


Non-SCCI presence (n = 99) vs. Non-SCCI absence (n = 353)


Age (median)

75.5 vs. 70

p < 0.001*

78 vs. 71

p < 0.001*

74 vs. 71

p = 0.20

AF history

18% (n = 28) vs. 8% (n = 24)

p = 0.005*

18% (n = 19) vs. 9% (n = 31)

p = 0.021*

20% (n = 20) vs. 9% (n = 32)

p = 0.004*

Infarction history

23% (n = 35) vs. 15% (n = 45)

p = 0.051

24% (n = 25) vs. 19% (n = 66)

p = 0.056

23% (n = 23) vs. 16% (n = 56)

p = 0.036*

Vertebrobasilar stenosis/occlusion

22% (n = 34) vs. 11% (n = 33)

p = 0.003*

20% (n = 21) vs. 13% (n = 45)

p = 0.086

25% (n = 25) vs. 12% (n = 42)

p = 0.002*

Additional acute posterior infarction

57% (n = 88) vs. 22% (n = 66)

p < 0.001*

51% (n = 53) vs. 29% (n = 101)

p < 0.001*

64% (n = 63) vs. 26% (n = 92)

p < 0.001*

Multiterritorial infarction

25% (n = 39) vs. 10% (n = 30)

p < 0.001*

25% (n = 26) vs. 12% (n = 42)

p = 0.003*

26% (n = 26) vs. 12% (n = 42)

p < 0.001*


39% (n = 60) vs. 20% (n = 60)

p < 0.001*

44% (n = 46) vs. 21% (n = 73)

p < 0.001*

42% (n = 42) vs. 22% (n = 78)

p < 0.001*

Newly discovered CE cause

17% (n = 26) vs. 11% (n = 33)

p = 0.10

25% (n = 26) vs. 11% (n = 40)

p = 0.001*

20% (n = 20) vs. 13% (n = 46)

p = 0.078


8% (n = 12) vs. 21% (n = 63)

p < 0.001*

6% (n = 6) vs. 20% (n = 70)

p < 0.001*

8% (n = 8) vs. 19% (n = 67)

p = 0.009*


8% (n = 12) vs. 4% (n = 12)

p = 0.12

6% (n = 6) vs. 5% (n = 17)

p = 0.81

11% (n = 11) vs. 4% (n = 14)

p = 0.009*


8% (n = 12) vs. 11% (n = 33)

p = 0.25

6% (n = 6) vs. 12% (n = 42)

p = 0.10

10% (n = 10) vs. 10% (n = 35)

p = 1


37% (n = 57) vs. 44% (n = 131)

p = 0.19

38% (n = 40) vs. 42% (n = 146)

p = 0.50

29% (n = 29) vs. 45% (n = 159)

p = 0.006*



p < 0.001*


p < 0.001*


p < 0.001*



p = 0.005*


p = 0.001*


p < 0.001*



p < 0.001*


p = 0.002*


p < 0.001*



p = 0.014*


p = 0.011*


p = 0.33



p = 0.066


p = 0.79


p = 0.001*

  1. CI cerebellar infarction, SCCI small cortical cerebellar infarction, AF atrial fibrillation, CE cardioembolic stroke subtype, LAA large large-artery atherosclerosis stroke subtype, OD other determined stroke subtype, SVD small vessel disease stroke subtype, UDE stroke of undetermined etiology; * is marked when p < 0.05
  2. The first seven variables (from age to CE) represent the set of candidate variables for the multivariate model, whereas the other variables (below CE) were used for complementary analyses