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Table 5 Results of the Diagnosis Likelihood Tool (DLT) [1] for patients with PSH symptoms

From: Influence of paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity (PSH) on the functional outcome of neurological early rehabilitation patients: a case control study


n (%)

Clinical features occur simultaneously

66 (91.7)

Episodes are paroxysmal in nature

42 (58.3)

Sympathetic over-reactivity to normally non painful stimuli

48 (66.7)

Features persist ≥3 consecutive days

25 (34.7)

Features persist ≥2 weeks post-brain injury

66 (91.7)

Features persist despite treatment of alternative differential diagnosis

49 (68.1)

Medication administered to decrease sympathetic features

70 (97.2)

≥2 episodes daily

27 (37.5)

Absence of parasympathetic features during episodes

29 (40.3)

Absence of other presumed cause of features

50 (69.4)

Antecedent acquired brain injury

66 (91.7)