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Table 1 Summary description of PTA related stroke episodes found upon literature review, cases are ordered according to patient’s age at symptom onset

From: Persistent trigeminal artery in a patient with posterior circulation stroke treated with rt-PA: case report



Territory Confirmed by neuroimaging

Arteries involved and saltzman classification of PTA


Patient outcome

42yo F (2010) [18]

Headaches, visual disturbances, right-sided numbness progressing to dysarthria and right-sided motor deficit with central facial palsy

Left anterolateral pontine infarction

Internal carotid artery (ICA) and PTA occlusion Saltzman type 1


Residual right motor deficit

47yo M (1992) [19]

Right hemiparesis and numbness of the left face

Ventral pontine lacunar infarct

Hypoplasia of the VAs and VB Saltzman type 2


Hemiparetic gate

54yo M (2006) [20]

Aphasia, dysarthria and right hemiparesis

Left middle cerebral artery and posterior cerebral artery territories

Embolization to the posterior circulation through the PTA Saltzman type 1


No deficits

55yo M (2010) [21]

Dysarthria and right hemiparesis (grade 4/5)

Left ventral hemipontine infarction

Ipsilateral tortuous primitive trigeminal artery Salytzman type 1



56yo M (2014) [22]

Transient diplopia and right-sided numbness which resolved in 10–15 min, 2 days later horizontal nystagmus and diplopia, right hemisensory loss to light touch and pinprick, tongue deviation to the right, decreased fine motor function in the right hand and slow right finger-to-nose performance

Left ventral pons and left superior cerebellar peduncle

Thrombosis of a persistent left trigeminal artery Saltzman type 1



58yo M (2016) [23]

Retrograde and anterograde amnesia, superior homonymous quadrantanopias, and could not identify colors

Bilateral occipital infarcts involving the parahippocampal and lingual gyri

Hypoplastic vertebrobasilar circulation, with a persistent right trigeminal artery supplying the rostral basilar artery Saltzman type 1



62yo F (2006) [24]

Transient ill-defined visual disturbance and a mild right-sided hemiparesis

Left mesencephalic

Right high-grade ICA stenosis (80%) hypoplastic vertebral arteries, right PTA Saltzman type 1

ICA endarterectomy

No deficits

63yo M (1998) [25]

1. Left facial palsy, right hemiparesis and left medial longitudinal fasciculus syndrome.

2. Hemiparesis and hemihypesthesia including pain and touch on the left side.

1. Left basal part of the pons

2. Right basal part of the pons

Basilar artery middle portion stenosis (80%) Saltzman type 1

1. None

2. Urokinase

1. Slight left facial palsy and right hemiparesis

2. No new deficits

67yo M (2015) [26]

Sudden loss of consciousness and quadriplegia

Right cerebral hemisphere

Right middle cerebral artery (MCA) and BA occlusion Saltzman type 1

Thrombectomy of the MCA and of the BA through the PTA

Lucid and with moderate left hemiparesis

67yo M (2015) [27]

Sudden loss of consciousness and left hemiparesis


Right ICA occlusion with PTA, BA, posterior cerebral artery and superior cerebellar artery hypoperfusion Saltzman type 1

rt-PA and thrombectomy through the ICA and PTA

Mild facial and left hand paresis

70yo M (2010) [28]

Dysarthria and right hemiparesis

Left pontine infarction

Embolic occlusion of the PTA Saltzman type 1


No deficits

73yo M (2014) [29]

Weakness of the lower extremities, and blindness of the left eye

Multiple infarcts in the anterior and posterior circulation (cardioembolisms)

Persistent primitive trigeminal artery, basilar artery hypoplasia

Saltzman type 1



76yo M

(2016) [30]

Mild dysmetria and intentional tremor affecting the right arm, tandem gait ataxia, and right-sided hemianopia, preceded several weeks by intermittent vertigo

Border-zone territory between the MCA and the posterior cerebral artery (PCA)

Left ICA stenosis (75%) and left PTA, BA hypoplasia below the PTA Saltzman type 1

ICA endarterectomy

Resolution of the intermittent vertigo

80yo F (2010) [29]

Dysphasia and dysarthria with dizziness and cough

Right pontine infarct

PTA between left vertebral artery and ipsilateral external carotid artery, right vertebral artery hypoplasia

Saltzman type 2

