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Table 1 Baseline characteristics (n = 208) and assessments in survivors at 7 years (n = 111)

From: No evidence for amyloid pathology as a key mediator of neurodegeneration post-stroke - a seven-year follow-up study



7-year follow-up

Male (%)

Mean age, years (SD)

Less than 9 years of education (%)

105 (51)

72.0 (12.2)

50 (24)

46 (41)

75.2 (11.2)

Stroke subtype (%)

 Cerebral infarction


 Cerebral hemorrhage

164 (79)

28 (14)

16 (7)


Risk factors (%)




 Cigarette smoking (present)

 Coronary heart disease

 Atrial fibrillation

 Daily alcohol use

BMI > 25

123 (59)

117 (56)

23 (11)

18 (18)

45 (22)

65 (31)

20 (24)

119 (57)


TOAST classification (%)

 Large-vessel disease

 Cardio-embolic disease

 Small-vessel disease

 Stroke of undetermined etiology

21 (10)

60 (29)

64 (31)

63 (30)


Assessments. Mean (SD) (n)








 10-Word test immediate recall

 10-Word test, delayed recall

3.1 (0.2) (n = 208)


26.0 (4.5) (n = 195)

2.44 (4.6) (n = 208)

17.5 (5.1) (n = 208)

1.5 (1.4) (n = 208)

73.7 (66.7) (n = 177)

152.8 (89.8) (n = 152)

17.9 (2.9) (n = 170)

4.3 (2.5) (n = 184)

25.8 (5.9) (n = 109)

1.02 (2.3) (109)

18.7 (3.7) (109)

1.4 (1.3) (109)

55.7 (39.6) (n = 101)

126.4 (67.7) (n = 82)

22.5 (8) (n = 106)

4.7 (3) (n = 105)

  1. TIA = Transistent Ischemic Attack; Hyperlipidemia = total cholesterol > 5 mmol/L or LDL > 3 mmol/L; LDL = Low Density Lipoprotein; Diabetes = an established diagnosis or Haemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) ≥7.0; Coronary Heart Disease = previous myocardial infarction or present angina pectoris; BMI=Body mass index; TOAST = the trial of org 10,172 in acute stroke treatment classification; NIHSS=National Institute of Health Stroke Scale; BI=Barthel Activities of Daily Living Index; mRS = modified Rankin scale; IQCODE = the informant questionnaire on cognitive decline in the elderly. MMSE = Mini Mental State Examination; SD = standard deviation.* Hypertension = use of BP lowering drugs at baseline