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Table 1 Items of the Early Rehabilitation Barthel Index (ERBI)

From: The influence of the CRS-R score on functional outcome in patients with severe brain injury receiving early rehabilitation

Early Rehabilitation Index (ERI)


Intensive care supervision


Tracheostomy tube management and supervision


Intermittent or continuous mechanical ventilation


Confusional state requiring supervision


Behavioral disturbances endangering oneself or others


Severe impairment of communication


Dysphagia requiring supervision



-325 to 0

Barthel Index (BI)


0; 5; 10


0; 5


0; 5


0; 5; 10

 Bowel control

0; 5; 10

 Bladder control

0; 5; 10

 Toilet use

0; 5; 10


0; 5; 10; 15

 Mobility on level surfaces

0; 5; 10; 15


0; 5; 10


0 to 100


-325 to 100

  1. Note. BI Barthel Index; ERBI Early Rehabilitation Barthel Index; ERI Early Rehabilitation Index; * If this criterion is fulfilled, the patient is assigned to phase B (early rehabilitation)