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Table 3 Patient characteristics presented for all patients undergoing complete early rehabilitative treatment (n = 180) and the two outcome groups

From: The influence of the CRS-R score on functional outcome in patients with severe brain injury receiving early rehabilitation



(n = 180)

Favorable outcome (n = 52)

Unfavorable outcome (n = 128)

Age at event (years)

62 (51 to 75)

55 (44 to 69)

64 (53 to 78)**

Time since injury (days)

22 (12 to 28)

22 (16 to 25)

22 (11 to 29)

Male/Female (n)




Upon admission


-140 (-185 to -90)

-135 (-160 to -90)

-140 (-185 to -90)


7 (3 to 11)

9 (6 to 13)

6 (3 to 10)***

After four weeks


60 (5 to 105)

85 (30 to 160)

50 (5 to 105)*


7 (2 to 11)

11 (7 to 16)

5 (1 to 9)***

At discharge

 Length of early rehabilitative treatment (days)

98 (67 to 115)

64 (44 to 75)

112 (87 to 132)***


1 (0 to 2)

1 (0 to 2)

1 (1 to 2)


115 (55 to 160)

170 (120 to 210)

90 (35 to 135)***


9 (4 to 14)

13 (10 to 17)

7 (2 to 12)***

  1. Note. Values are frequencies (gender) or medians and interquartile ranges (all other variables). ERBI Early Rehabilitation Index; CRS-R Coma Recovery Scale-Revised. Mann-Whitney U test (favorable vs. unfavorable outcome): *p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001