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Table 1 Baseline Characteristics

From: Quantitative assessments of pupillary light reflexes in hospital-onset unresponsiveness


n = 214

Age, yr, mean ± standard deviation

63.9 ± 14.9

Male sex, n (%)

127 (59.3)

Modified Rankin Scale before admission (interquartile ranges)

2 (0–4)

Modified Rankin Scale before admission ≥4, n (%)

72 (33.6)


 Hypertension, n (%)

101 (47.2)

 Diabetes mellitus, n (%)

69 (32.2)

 Cardiac disease, n (%)

83 (38.8)

 Chronic lung disease, n (%)

21 (9.8)

 Chronic liver disease, n (%)

35 (16.4)

 Chronic kidney disease, n (%)

41 (19.2)

 Cancer, n (%)

85 (39.7)

 Previous stroke, n (%)

34 (15.9)

Hospital departments

 Cardiothoracic surgery, n (%)

28 (13.0)

 Gastroenterology, n (%)

22 (10.2)

 Liver transplantation surgery, n (%)

22 (10.2)

 Oncology, n (%)

20 (9.3)

 Pulmonology, n (%)

20 (9.3)

 Cardiology, n (%)

18 (8.4)

 Hematology, n (%)

15 (7.0)

 Acute care surgery, n (%)

13 (6.0)

 Obstetrics and gynecology, n (%)

8 (3.7)

 Rehabilitation medicine, n (%)

8 (3.7)

 Nephrology, n (%)

7 (3.2)

 Infection, n (%)

6 (2.8)

 Acute emergency care unit, n (%)

5 (2.3)

 Neurosurgery, n (%)

5 (2.3)

 Kidney transplantation, n (%)

4 (1.8)

 Orthopedic surgery, n (%)

4 (1.8)

 Others, n (%)a

9 (4.2)

Elapsed time to NAT activation

 From hospital admission to NAT activation, day (interquartile ranges)

7.5 (2.0–22.8)

 From last-known-normal to NAT activation, hours (interquartile ranges)

3.0 (0.5–11.9)

 From first-found-abnormal to NAT activation, minutes (interquartile ranges)

53.5 (12.2–230.8)

Findings on NAT activation

 Glasgow Coma Scale, median (interquartile ranges)

6 (3–8)

 Hypotension, n (%)

16 (7.5)

 Tachycardia, n (%)

125 (58.4)

  1. NAT Neurological Alert Team
  2. a Geriatric internal medicine (n = 2), Urology (n = 2), Endocrinology (n = 1), Vascular surgery (n = 1), Rheumatology (n = 1), Endocrine surgery (n = 1), and Plastic surgery (n = 1)