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Table 4 Studies investigating the association between positive and negative environmental and lifestyle factors

From: Factors associated with brain ageing - a systematic review


Study (Design, country)

n, Mean age ± SD (Range), Sex, Other information

Modality (Protocol)


Model (Cross-validation)


Main findings



Military serving male twin pairs from VETSA MRI cohort (US)

n = 359, 61.8 ± 2.6 (56.5–65.6)yrs.; ~ 5 yr FU

MRI (T1[3T])

CT, SA & subcortical volume


Negative midlife FLE

GAP + 2.3 yrs. (~ −21.1 to 14.8 yrs). ↑ Total FLE (β = 0.14, p = 0.01). Minus extreme outliers, ↑ relationship FLEs (β = 0.11, p = 0.03). NS with financial (β = 0.06) or health FLEs (β = 0.05)

bAge, scanner, relatedness, cardiovascular risk, alcohol, SES, ethnicity


Community dwelling adults from 1 of 6 studies (US)

n = 185, 64.9 ± 8.3 yrs., 91♀

MRI (T1[3T])

Voxel-wise WB volume


Smoking & alcohol

↑ BrainAGE with smoking (r = 0.20, p = 0.008) & alcohol (r = 0.24, p = 0.001)

bAge, gender, diabetes duration


UK Biobank

n = 19,000, 10,112♀; Age unknown

MRI (T1, rfMRI, tfMRI, T2 FLAIR, dMRI, swMRI [3 T])


Non-LR [10-fold]

Smoking; alcohol; time outdoors; cSES

GAP correlated with smoking (r ~ 0.07 to 0.08; all -log10P > 8). Correlation with alcohol also observed in ♀ (both r = 0.07; −log10P > 8). Correlation with SES also observed in ♂ (r ~ −  0.05 to − 0.04; all -log10P > 8)

aAge, age2, gender


UK Biobank

n = 14,701, 62.6 ± 7.5 yrs., 7914♀

MRI (T1, rfMRI, tfMRI, T2 FLAIR, dMRI, swMRI [3 T])


LASSO [10-fold]

Smoking & alcohol

GAP associated with smoking (B = 0.879) & alcohol (B = -0.997; both p < 0.001)

abAge; bage2, gender, height, volumetric scaling, & tfMRI head motion


Meditation practitioners from greater Los Angeles; matched controls from ICBM (US)

Meditators: n = 50, 51.4 ± 12.8 yrs., 22♀; HC: n = 50, 51.4 ± 11.8 yrs., 22♀

MRI (T1[1.5 T])

Voxel-wise GM volume



BrainAGE associated with meditation (β = −7.53, p = 0.047). For every yr > 50 yrs., meditators were 1mth & 22 days younger (β = − 0.14, p = 0.045)

bAge, gender, handedness, group


Manhattan or New Jersey community dwelling adults attending of 1 of 3 independent studies (US)

n = 331, 19-79 yrs., 182♀

MRI (T1[3T])

Cortical & subcortical GM volume

SSM [Bootstrapping (×1000)]

Education & physical activity (FOSC)

CA-BA associated with ↑ education (β = 0.95), & FOSC (β = 0.58; both p = 0.005)

aTICV, study, gender; beducation, different exercises


Adults differing in musician status (Case-control, location unclear)

Professionals: n = 42, 24.3 ± 3.9 (18–39) yrs., 22♀; Amateurs: n = 45, 24.3 ± 3.9 (17–34) yrs., 18♀; Non-musicians: n = 38, 25.2 ± 4.8 (17–39) yrs., 15♀

MRI (T1[1.5 T])

Voxel-wise GM volume


Musician status & years of music

Musicians brainAGE 4.12 yrs. ↓ than non-musicians (p = 0.004). Professionals (−3.70 yrs) ↓ than non-musicians (− 0.48 yrs., p = 0.014). Amateurs comparable to non-musicians (NS). ↑ music making for professionals only (r = 0.32, p = 0.04)

aNon-musician median brainAGE

  1. Bold = Results corrected for multiple comparisons; aBrain age adjustment; bModel adjustment; cSES = Includes measures of average total household income before tax & number in household. CT Cortical thickness; dMRI Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging; FLAIR T2-weighted fluid-attenuated inversion recovery structural imaging; FLE Fateful life events; FU Follow-up; GM Grey matter; HC Healthy controls; ICBM International Consortium for Brain Mapping; IDP Imaging derived phenotypes (i.e., summary measures of structural and functional brain phenotypes); LASSO Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator regression; LR Linear regression; MRI Magnetic resonance imaging; NS Not significant; RfMRI Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging; RVR Relevance vector regression; SA Surface area; SES Socio-economic status; SSM Scaled subprofile modelling; SVR Support vector regression; swMRI Susceptibility-weighted imaging; tfMRI Task functional magnetic resonance imaging; TICV Total intracranial volume; VETSA MRI Vietnam Era twin study of ageing; WB Whole brain