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Table 1 Clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of the study population

From: The association of selected multiple sclerosis symptoms with disability and quality of life: a large Danish self-report survey



n = 2009

Age, years, mean (SD)

49.4 (12.1)

Sex, female, n (%)

1389 (69.1)

Diagnosis, n (%)

 Multiple sclerosis

1979 (98.5)

 CIS (clinical isolated syndrome)

30 (1.5)

Clinical type of MS, n (%)

 Relapse-remitting MS (RRMS)

1383 (69.9)

 Secondary progressive MS (SPMS)

153 (7.7)

 Primary progressive MS (PPMS)

153 (7.7)


290 (14.7)

Age at diagnosis, mean (SD)

37.7 (10.9)

Duration of diagnosis, years, mean (SD)

11.7 (8.1)

Current DMT, n (%)

1502 (75)

Duration of DMT use, years, median (ICR)

9 (4–14)

Quality of life, NRS-111, mean (SD)

 Satisfaction with life situation

6.5 (2.5)

 Satisfaction with physical health

5.6 (2.8)

 Satisfaction with mental health

6.5 (2.6)

Sleep disturbances, NRS-112, mean (SD)

4.2 (2.8)

FSS score, median (range)

43 (54)

 No to mild fatigue (FSS score < 36), n (%)

728 (36)

 Moderate fatigue (FSS score 36–52), n (%)

679 (34)

 Severe fatigue (FSS score > 52), n (%)

602 (30)

Chronic pain, n (%)

763 (38.0)

Pain intensity, NRS-113, mean (SD)

5.2 (2.2)

Drug treatment for pain, n (%)

368 (48.4)

Spasticity, n (%)

1025 (51.0)

Spasm intensity, NRS-114, mean (SD)

3.6 (2.4)

Drug treatment for spasticity, n (%)

352 (35.8)

PDDS level, median (ICR)

2.0 (0–4)

PDDS levels (0 to 8), n (%)

 0 Normal

663 (33)

 1 Mild

307 (15)

 2 Moderate

280 (14)

 3 Gait disabilities

243 (12)

 4 Early cane

183 (9.1)

 5 Late cane

94 (4.6)

 6 Bilateral support

110 (5.6)

 7 Wheelchair

114 (5.7)

 8 Bedridden

15 (1.0)

Bowel and bladder function, n (%)


729 (36.3)

 Mild dysfunction

722 (35.9)

 Moderate dysfunction

343 (17.1)

 Severe dysfunction

114 (5.7)

 Lost bowel or bladder function

54 (2.7)

 Lost bowel and bladder function

47 (2.3)

BMI, mean (SD)

25.1 (5.1)

Smoking status, n (%)


361 (18.0)


117 (5.8)

 Former smoker

819 (40.8)

 Never smoker

712 (35.4)

Occupation, n (%)

 Employed full-time

718 (35.7)

 Employed part-time

486 (24.2)


805 (40.1)

Personal income pr. year, n (%)

  < $30,000

467 (23.3)

 $30,000 - $59,999

797 (39.7)

 $60,000 - $105,000

498 (24.8)

  > $105,000

123 (6.2)


121 (6.0)

Family status, n (%)

 Married/cohabiting living without children

745 (37.1)

 Married/cohabiting living with children

625 (31.2)

 Living alone with children

174 (8.7)

 Living alone without children

462 (23.0)

Education, n (%)

 Below high-school graduate

149 (7.4)

 High-school graduate

158 (7.9)

 Skilled education

414 (20.7)

 Shorter courses

25 (1.2)

 Short post-secondary education

235 (11.7)

 Middle post-secondary education

560 (28.0)

 Long post-secondary education

464 (23.1)

  1. NRS-11, numeric rating scale (from 0 to 10); FSS, fatigue severity scale;
  2. PDDS, patient determined disease steps; SD, standard deviation
  3. 1 0 = completely dissatisfied to 10 = completely satisfied
  4. 2 0 = no disturbances to 10 = high disturbed sleep
  5. 3 0 = no pain to 10 = worst imaginable pain
  6. 4 0 = no spasticity to 10 = worst possible spasticity
  7. ICR, interquartile range (25–75%)