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Table 2 Measurements of rotary chair experiment

From: Reduced vestibular perception thresholds in persistent postural-perceptual dizziness- a cross-sectional study



Mean +/- SD

M; [Min-Max]


Mean +/- SD

M; [Min-Max]

Significance level p

Rotary motion perception threshold (°/s)

10.85 +/- 14.12

N/A; [0.3-68.0]

29.48 +/- 23.49

N/A; [2.5-72.0]


Onset (in seconds) of sickness rating phases during rotation …

 Initial vegetative symptoms (SR 2) (s)

283.19 +/- 145.06

N/A; [62-573]

683.9 +/- 250.78

N/A; [277-1166]


 Mild nausea

(SR 3) (s)

503.46 +/- 175.56

N/A; [215-740]

704.5 +/- 126.57

N/A; [615-794]


 Severe vegetative symptoms (SR 4) (s)

719.95 +/- 238.39

N/A; [247-1195]

739 +/- 0

N/A; [739-739]


Duration of sickness rating phases during rotation …

 Asymptomatic (SR 1) (s)

283.19 +/- 145.06

N/A; [62-573]

1043.61 +/- 275.14

N/A; [277-1200]


 Initial vegetative symptoms (SR 2) (s)

220.27 +/- 139.49

N/A; [52-637]

417 +/- 277.89

N/A; [34-923]


 Mild nausea (SR 3) (s)

308.81 +/- 187.76

N/A; [32-588]

265 +/- 199.4

N/A; [124-406]


Recovery from vegetative symptoms (SR) … after completion of rotation

 … 1 min

2.65 +/- 0.8

2; [1–4]

1.18 +/- 0.39

1; [1, 2]


 … 5 min

1.65 +/- 0.8

1; [1–4]

1 +/- 0

1; [1]


 …10 min

1.12 +/- 0.43

1; [1–3]

1 +/- 0

1; [1]


 … 15 min

1.04 +/- 0.2

1; [1, 2]

1 +/- 0

1; [1]


 … 20 min

1 +/- 0

1; [1]

1 +/- 0

1; [1]


Beginning of per-rotatory nystagmus (s)

9.11 +/- 9.6


5.2 +/- 6.65



Maximum velocity of the slow phase (deg/s)

39.27 +/- 26.97


45.96 +/- 40.17



Average velocity of slow phase (deg/s)

8.26 +/- 5.46


8.95 +/- 7.17



  1. Significant group differences between PPPD patients and HC are highlighted using bold type. If not annotated given p values were calculated using Student’s t-test, additional statistic test used: Mann-Whitney test*. As there were no interocular differences regarding the nystagmus measurements for the sake of clarity these exemplary are only given for the left eye
  2. SD Standard deviations, N numbers, Min, Max minimum and maximum values, M medians; Calculations not possible or not reasonable are marked as N/A. Deg degree, min minute, Nyst nystagmus, SR sickness rating, s seconds