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Table 2 RRMS sub-cohort inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: The Canadian prospective cohort study to understand progression in multiple sclerosis (CanProCo): rationale, aims, and study design

RRMS sub-cohort (n = 200)

Inclusion criteria

 Age 18–60

 EDSS [6] ≤ 6.5

 RRMS diagnosis or CIS diagnosis with MRI evidence of dissemination in space [8], with symptom onset ≤5 years

 Treatment naïve or no disease modifying treatment ≥6 months

At least 100 participants demonstrating “high” disease activity defined by:

• 2 or more relapses in the past year OR

• 1 relapse in the past year and > 10 T2 lesions and > 3 Gad+ lesion OR

• 1 relapse in the past year and > 10 T2 lesions and > 3 new T2 lesions in the past 1–2 years OR

• 1 relapse in the past year and > 10 T2 lesions and brainstem/spinal cord involvement (clinically or on MRI)

• 1 relapse in the past year with > 10 T2 lesions with incomplete relapse recovery and EDSS > 2.0

Exclusion criteria

 HIV positive

 Previous or current treatment with chemotherapy for malignancy

  1. N.B. Individuals having previously received induction therapies (e.g. cladribine tablets) with continuous effects or stem cell transplantations are considered on treatment and therefore not eligible for the RRMS sub-cohort. Enrolment is permitted before such a therapy is administered
  2. EDSS Expanded Disability Status Scale, RRMS Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis, CIS Clinically Isolated Syndrome, MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging, HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus