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Table 3 Challenges in Parkinson’s disease care management design addressed in the CHAPS Model

From: Implementation fidelity of a nurse-led RCT-tested complex intervention, care coordination for health promotion and activities in Parkinson’s disease (CHAPS) in meeting challenges in care management


Examples of CHAPS Addressing the Challenges

Quality and Extent of Implementation [14]

Stakeholder Perceptions [20]


Lack of emotional support [28, 32]

Emotional support through CHAPS nurse care manager coaching

Participants attended support groups

Participants felt they could talk to their nurse care manager

Need for tailored information [28, 32, 33]

CHAPS nurse care managers:

• Provided CHAPS Assessment-driven education (verbal, written, digital)

• Recommended specific care interventions

• Personalized participant Notebook [18] with tailored education sheets

Participants read specific nurse care manager-supplied materials

Participants liked the Notebook feature of education sheets

Coping with multiple changes in care (unpaid care needs, medications, adaptive equipment) [33]

Motivational collaborative problem-solving

CHAPS nurse care manager coaching

Participants reported CHAPS nurse care managers helped them manage their Parkinson’s disease and their health overall

More self-management [33, 34]

CHAPS nurse care managers coached participants on self-care including My HealtheVet and Notebook use

Participant self-care actions and interactions with Notebook were documented

Participants reported:

• Medication self-management

• Knowing about Parkinson’s disease and when to contact Parkinson’s disease specialists

• Notebook benefits (helpful, useful, organizes information)

Parkinson’s disease specialists reported participant self-management improvement

More active role in decision-making [35]

Participants prioritized problems with CHAPS nurse care manager

Collaborative problem-solving occurred

Participants prepared for provider appointments

Participants felt they could talk to their nurse care manager

More time to discuss the future, possible scenarios [33, 34]

CHAPS nurse care managers:

• Made follow up telephone calls to participants

• Discussed Understanding Parkinson’s Disease, Preferences/Long term care planning, End of Life Resources a

• Added education sheets on above issues to personalized Notebooks

Participants completed advance directive/power of attorney for health care

Parkinson’s disease specialist appreciated nurse care manager spending more time talking to patients than is available in clinic


Health professional as single point of access for problem-solving directly or for multidisciplinary care and referrals [10, 34]

CHAPS nurse care managers:

• Problem-solved collaboratively with participants

• Initiated care coordination and discussed multidisciplinary referrals

• Recommended topic/intervention to discuss with provider

Parkinson’s disease specialists noted helpfulness of the nurse care manager role

Continuity of contact needed [28, 32]

Continuity achieved for some but not all participants; continuity interrupted by normal turnover complicated by hiring freezes

CHAPS nurse care managers noted consistent staffing is needed to build trust, facilitate collaboration, foster behavioral change, and support Notebook use

Better interdisciplinary collaboration [34]

Facilitation of interdisciplinary communication using the Siebens Domain Management Model b

Care coordination through warm hand-offs

Monthly clinical huddles between nurse care managers and Parkinson’s disease specialists

Participants taking Notebook to provider appointments

Parkinson’s disease specialists reported CHAPS nurse care managers recommended care suggestions they agreed with (e.g., in clinical huddles, in documentation)

Competent, professional practice [32]

Structured CHAPS Assessment with algorithms (embedded triggers) for problem/topic identification

Scheduled follow-up telephone calls for follow-through and proactive care

Problem/topic specific intervention protocols c

CHAPS nurse care managers gained knowledge/understanding about Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease specialists reported CHAPS nurse care managers provided relevant information and paid attention to detail


Variability of disease severity in Parkinson’s disease [6, 36, 37]

CHAPS Assessment with embedded triggers for identification of problems/topics and their range of severity (e.g., physician referral for higher severity)

Problems/topics spanning early, mid to advanced Parkinson’s disease (e.g., Driving, Psychosis/Hallucinations a)

CHAPS nurse care managers agreed with care suggestions recommended by CHAPS Assessment (triggered by algorithms)

As disease progresses, anticipation of needs is required [33]

Proactive telephone calls over time

CHAPS 6-month review and annual reassessments to screen for evolving problems

Participants aware of what Parkinson’s disease symptoms to watch for


Standardized models for Parkinson’s team-based care are needed [6, 9, 11,12,13, 29, 38]

CHAPS Assessment with algorithms

Siebens Domain Management Model b

Participants prioritized problems with CHAPS nurse care manager

Problem/topic-specific intervention protocols c

Monthly clinical huddles of CHAPS nurse care managers and Parkinson’s disease specialists

My HealtheVet and Notebooks for self-care and team communication

Care partner included at participant’s request

Referrals to and collaboration with other disciplines

Communication through one shared electronic medical record

Overall stakeholder perceptions of CHAPS and its components were positive

Parkinson’s disease specialists and nurse care managers endorsed CHAPS (e.g., would refer other patients)

Importance of including patient perspective in team [6, 10]

CHAPS nurse care manager elicited participant concerns about CHAPS problems/topics and other medical problems

Participants felt they could talk to the nurse care manager about their condition

Participant preferences guided Notebook coaching

Care partner stress to be considered [6] and care partner included in team [10, 11]

Care partners participated in telephone calls and care coordination at participant request

Participants showed Notebook to care partner

Caregiver Packets sent d

Care partner responses to the Notebook included being impressed and reporting it was helpful/organized

  1. CHAPS – Care Coordination for Health Promotion and Activities in Parkinson’s Disease; Notebook – Siebens Health Care Notebook [18]
  2. a These are among the 31 CHAPS standard problems/topics
  3. b The Siebens Domain Management Model™ is an organizing framework with four domains: I Medical/Surgical Issues, II Mental Status/Emotions/Coping, III Physical Function, and IV Living Environment (© Hilary C Siebens MD 2005) [19]. Used with permission
  4. c Problem/Topic Intervention Protocol steps were: Assess further, Provide information, Problem solve collaboratively, Clinical referrals, and Community and social services referrals
  5. d Caregiver Packet included a self-administered Caregiver Strain questionnaire, a screen for Caregiver Mood (Personal Health Questionnaire-9), a resource list, and caregiver information sheets from Parkinson’s Disease Foundation