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Table 4 APD Delphi criteria frequency distribution in APD and non-APD patients; N (%)

From: Criteria for identification of advanced Parkinson’s disease: the results of the Italian subgroup of OBSERVE-PD observational study


APD (N = 60)

Non-APD (N = 80)

Severity of Motor Fluctuations


9 (15%)

71 (88.8%)


28 (46.7%)

9 (11.2%)


18 (30%)



5 (8.3%)


Number of OFF hours during waking day


5 (8.3%)

62 (77.5%)

 < 2 h

37 (61.7%)

17 (21.3%)

 2–4 h

11 (18.3%)

1 (1.2%)

 > 4 h

7 (11.7%)


Severity of night sleep disturbances


10 (16.7%)

48 (60%)


27 (45%)

24 (30%)


19 (31.7%)

8 (10%)


4 (6.6%)


Number of hours with troublesome dyskinesia


14 (23.3%)

68 (85%)

 < 2 h

19 (31.7%)

11 (13.8%)

 2–3 h

16 (26.7%)


  > 3 h

11 (18.3%)

1 (1.2%)

Presence of non-motor fluctuations


36 (60%)

6 (7.5%)


24 (40%)

74 (92.5%)

Presence of OFF time at least every 3 h


16 (26.7%)

1 (1.3%)


44 (73.3%)

79 (98.7%)

Patient took at least 5 times daily oral levodopa


34 (56.7%)

3 (3.8%)


26 (43.3%)

77 (96.2%)

Level of ADL limitation capacity


9 (15%)

64 (80%)


26 (43.3%)

14 (17.5%)


18 (30%)

2 (2.5%)


7 (11.7%)


Frequency of Falls

 None of the time

21 (35%)

67 (83.7%)

Some of the time

32 (53.3%)

13 (16.3%)

 Most of the time

6 (10%)


 All of the time

1 (1.7%)


Level of dementia


27 (45%)

64 (80%)


24 (40%)

13 (16.3%)


8 (13.3%)

3 (3.7%)


1 (1.7%)


Level of psychosis


38 (63.3%)

75 (93.8%)


16 (26.7%)

3 (3.7%)


5 (8.3%)

2 (2.5%)


1 (1.7%)


  1. In italic are reported the level of severity/presence of each symptoms or characteristic that must be present to consider the patient in the advanced stage according to the Delphi Panel criteria approach (5)