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Table 1 Types of pain and specific features

From: Opicapone versus placebo in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease patients with end-of-dose motor fluctuation-associated pain: rationale and design of the randomised, double-blind OCEAN (OpiCapone Effect on motor fluctuations and pAiN) trial

Type of pain

Features (Ford 2010, Valkovic 2015, Edinoff 2020)

Musculoskeletal pain

• Aching, cramping, arthralgic, myalgic sensations in joints and muscles

• May include muscle tenderness, arthritic changes, skeletal deformity, limited joint mobility, postural abnormalities, and antalgic gait

• May be exacerbated by parkinsonian rigidity, stiffness and immobility, and alleviated by mobility

• May fluctuate with medication dose and improves with levodopa

Radicular or peripheral neuropathic pain

• Pain in root or nerve territory, associated with motor or sensory signs of nerve or root entrapment

Dystonia-related pain

• Associated with sustained twisting movements and postures; muscular contractions often very forceful and painful

• May fluctuate closely with medication dosing: early morning dystonia, OFF dystonia, beginning-of-dose and end-of-dose dystonia, peak dose dystonia

Primary/central pain

• Burning, tingling, formication, ‘neuropathic’ sensations; often relentless and bizarre in quality, not confined to root or nerve territory

• Pain may have an autonomic character, with visceral sensations or dyspnoea, and vary in parallel with the medication cycle as NMF

• Not explained by rigidity, dystonia, musculoskeletal or internal lesion

Akathitic discomfort/other pain

• Primary headache, visceral, arthritic, non-radicular low back pain, oral and genital pain

• Unpleasant agitating sensation associated with restless legs syndrome

  1. NMF non-motor fluctuations, PD Parkinson’s disease