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Table 6 Results of food frequency questionnaire in relation to IBS severity

From: The potential impact of nutritional intake on symptoms severity in patients with comorbid migraine and irritable bowel syndrome


IBS severity scoring system

Mild 10 (10%)

Moderate 44 (44%)

Severe 46 (46%)


Wheat bran bread

0-2 times/week

1 (10%)

11 (25%)

16 (34.8%)


3 - 4 times/week

1 (10%)

2 (4.5%)

13 (28.3%)

≥ 5 times/week

8 (80%)

31 (70.5%)

17 (37%)

Sen bread

0-2 times/week

9 (90%)

44 (100%)

44 (95.7%)


3 - 4 times/week

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

2 (4.3%)

≥ 5 times/week

1 (10%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

  1. IBS Irritable bowel syndrome,
  2. *P-value ≤0.05 is considered significant