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Table 4 Diagnostic tests performed on patients with no definite diagnosis (n = 44)

From: Evaluation of the epidemiologic, clinical, radiologic, and treatment methods of patients with subacute and chronic meningitis


Patients, No. (%)

Microbiology analysis

 Gram stain

15 (34.11)

 Indian ink stain

1 (2.3)


 Blood culture

42 (95.5)

 CSF bacterial culture

42 (95.5)

 CSF fungal culture

13 (29.5)

Serology tests


17 (38.6)

 Wright or 2ME

19 (43.2)

Cryptococcal antigen

4 (9.0)

CSF cytology

4 (9.0)

CSF PCR tests


6 (13.6)


6 (13.6)

 BK virus

2 (4.5)


3 (6.8)

 Brain biopsy

2 (4.5)

  1. CSF Cerebrospinal fluid, VDRL Venereal disease research laboratory test, RPR Rapid plasma reagain, 2ME 2-Mercaptoethanol, PCR Polymerase chain reaction, TB Tuberculosis, HSV Herpes simplex virus, CMV Cytomegalovirus