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Table 3 The comprehensive Core Outcome Set of mobility defined conceptually based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health, and Webber’s frameworks

From: Informing the development of an outcome set and banks of items to measure mobility among individuals with acquired brain injury using natural language processing

Cluster number and name


1. Upper Extremity Mobility

Defined as the ability to reach or rise up an object from one place to another, and perform the coordinated actions of handling, picking up, manipulating and releasing objects using one's hand, fingers and thumb.

2. Emotional Functions

Defined as mental functions related to the feeling including depression, anxiety and anger


Defined as the ability to maintain the body position within the base of support with minimal postural sway.

4. Motor Functions

Defined as functions associated with motor control and coordination of voluntary movements.

5. Self-care

Defined as the ability to caring for oneself, washing and drying oneself, dressing, eating and drinking, and looking after one’s health.

6. Social life and Relationship

Defined as the ability to carrying out the actions and tasks required for basic and complex interactions with people in a contextually and socially appropriate manner to engage in organized social life in community, social and civic areas of life.

7. Cognition

Defined as specific functions of the brain including memory and executive functions.

8. Walking

Defined as the ability to move along from point A to point B including, walking short or long distances; walking on different surfaces; and walking around and over obstacles.

9. Postural Transition

Defined as the ability to move from one surface to another without changing body position such as moving from a bed to a chair.

10. Recreation and Leisure Activities

Defined as the ability to engage in any form of play such as going to art galleries, museums, or cinemas for pleasure.

11. Activities of Daily Living

Defined as the ability to carrying out everyday actions and tasks including acquiring a place to live, preparing meals, household cleaning and repairing.

12. Physical Functioning

Defined as the ability to do various activities that require increasing degrees of strength and endurance.

13. Communication

Defined as specific features of communicating by speaking or carrying on conversations, comprehending and comprehension.

14. Work/Study

Defined as the ability to engage in all aspects of work including seeking employment and getting a job, doing the required tasks or studies to get the job.

15. Climbing

Defined as the ability to move upwards or downwards over different surfaces such as climbing stairs

16. Sensory Functions

Defined as functions of sense including vision, auditory, smell, touch and taste.

17. General Health

Defined as the status of complete physical, mental and social well-being.

18. Fatigue

Defined as functions related to respiratory and cardiovascular capacity for enduring physical exertion.

19. Functional Independence

Defined as the ability to perform an activity with no or little help from others.

20. Pain

Defined as an unpleasant feeling that indicates potential or actual damage to some body structure.

21. Alcohol and Drug use

Defined as substances that are harmful use for the mental

22. Transportation

Defined as using transportation to move around such as being driven in a car.

23. Sleeping

Defined as a characteristic physiological change accompanied by general mental functions of intermittent, reversible and selective physical and mental disengagement from one’s immediate environment.

24. Finances

Defined as products, such as money which serve as an exchange for labour, goods and services.