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Table 5 Known-group validity PSQ items and RLS disease severity as assessed by IRLS total score at baseline

From: Validation of the post sleep questionnaire for assessing subjects with restless legs syndrome: results from two double-blind, multicenter, placebo-controlled clinical trials

PSQ item score, mean (SD)

RLS disease severity




n = 184


n = 314

Very Severe

n = 42


Sleep quality

2.342 (0.509)

2.710 (0.454)

2.929 (0.261)


Daytime functioning

2.125 (0.619)

2.611 (0.651)

3.190 (0.740)


Nights with RLS symptoms

3.228 (0.777)

3.535 (0.664)

3.571 (0.668)


RLS-related sleep disturbance

2.136 (0.774)

2.465 (0.792)

3.071 (0.712)


RLS-related sleep latency

2.190 (0.869)

2.720 (1.035)

3.500 (1.174)


  1. IRLS, International Restless Legs Rating Scale; PSQ, Post Sleep Questionnaire; RLS, Restless Legs Syndrome; SD, standard deviation.
  2. Higher PSQ scores correspond to worse symptoms.
  3. p-value is based on Kruskal-Wallis test.
  4. RLS Disease Severity based on IRLS Total Score, where mild = 0-10, moderate = 11-20, severe = 21-30, and very severe >30.