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Table 1 Inclusion criteria for physicians and patients to be included in the overall Adelphi OAB/UI survey*

From: Impact of urinary incontinence on health-related quality of life, daily activities, and healthcare resource utilization in patients with neurogenic detrusor overactivity



1. GP/ PCP; gynecologists; urologists; urogynecologists

1. Patients over 18 years old

2. 3 ≤ number of years in practice ≤ 35

2. Outpatients

3. Number of OAB/UI patients managed per week (inpatients plus outpatients)

3. Currently managed for OAB/ UI

  PCP: 6

4. No females currently pregnant

  Urologists/Gynecologists: 8

5. No patients suffering from OAB/UI due to urinary infection

  Urologists: 2 of MS/SCI patients


4. Seeing enough patients to be able to generate 10–12 patient record forms in 2–3 weeks

  1. *GP General practitioners, PCP Primary care physicians, OAB Overactive bladder, UI Urinary incontinence, MS Multiple sclerosis, SCI Spinal cord injury.