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Table 2 Average 10-year probability of stroke according to age in all subjects and blood pressure in treated hypertensive patients.

From: Estimating the probability of stroke in Korean hypertensive patients visiting tertiary hospitals using a risk profile from the framingham study

Age group

10 year risk of Stroke*

Stage of HTN

10 year risk of Stroke*

< 60 (n = 167)

12.42 ± 9.11a

Normal (n = 134)

21.16 ± 17.23a

60–69 (n = 654)

18.63 ± 13.89b

Prehypertension (n = 535)

26.57 ± 18.92b

70–79 (n = 467)

31.10 ± 20.42c

Stage 1 HTN (302)

29.15 ± 19.48b

> 79 (n = 114)

46.00 ± 23.15d

Stage 2 HTN (95)

36.22 ± 23.74c


< 0.001



  1. * Mean ± standard deviation
  2. **P-value is for one-way analysis of variance
  3. a,b,c, same letters indicate statistical insignificance based on Duncan's multiple comparisons. Normal: SBP < 120 mm Hg and DBP < 80 mm Hg, pre-hypertension: 120 ≤ SBP < 140 mm Hg or 80 ≤ DBP < 90 mm Hg, stage 1: 140 ≤ SBP < 160 mm Hg or 90 ≤ DBP < 100 mm Hg, stage 2: SBP ≥ 160 or DBP ≥ 100 mm Hg.