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Table 1 Constructs to be measured within the structure of the Wilson-Cleary framework

From: Understanding and optimizing brain health in HIV now: protocol for a longitudinal cohort study with multiple randomized controlled trials

Characteristics of the individual

Age, sex, self-declared race, height, weight, education, work status, occupation, living situation, cognitive reserve indicators, coping, smoking, alcohol, drug use, healthy eating behaviour

Biological and physiological variables

Symptom status

Functional status

Health perception

Quality of life (QOL)

Nadir CD4+, current immunological markers, current viral load, peak viral load, current ARV treatment, duration of HIV infection;

Co-morbidities: diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypercholesterolemia, hepatitis B & C, vitamin B12, thyroid-stimulation hormone (TSH), others


Physical Symptoms: vitality, pain, sleep quality, HIV related signs and symptoms

Measured and self-reported cognitive deficits; cognitive ability; self-efficacy

General health perception; health utility

Personalized QOL; HIV-specific QOL

Emotional symptoms: anxiety, stress, depression, apathy

Physical activity; physical function; self-efficacy for managing HIV health challenges

Role participation: work status, work quality, nature and frequency of leisure activities, life space mobility

Social and psychological supports

Social support, self-management priorities

  1. ARV anti-retroviral