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Table 2 Sample Characteristics by ASD Affected or Unaffected status (N = 770)

From: Prevalence of non-febrile seizures in children with idiopathic autism spectrum disorder and their unaffected siblings: a retrospective cohort study

Characteristic variable

ASD (n = 610) # (%)

Unaffected siblings (n = 160) # (%)

F or χ2; p



477 (78.1)

73 (44.2)

χ2(1) = 61.08; <0.0001


134 (21.9)

92 (55.8)

 Mean age (yr.) at AGRE medical assessment

8.34 (SE 0.16)

9.01 (SE 0.35)

F(1) = 1.35; 0.25



487 (79.7)

135 (81.8)

χ2(2) = 1.11; 0.57


26 (4.3)

8 (4.9)

 Other race, multiple race, or unknown

98 (16.0)

22 (13.3)


 Hispanic or Latino

115 (18.8)

34 (20.6)

χ2(2) = 0.40; 0.82

 Not Hispanic or Latino

474 (77.6)

126 (76.4)


22 (3.6)

5 (3.0)

Maternal education

  ≤ High school

53 (9.2)

13 (8.1)

χ2(2) = 1.03; 0.60

 Some college or graduated from college

392 (68.8)

115 (71.9)

 Some grad school or completed grad school

133 (18.0)

32 (20.0)

Paternal education

  ≤ High school

75 (13.2)

27 (16.9)

χ2(2) = 1.81; 0.40

 Some college or graduated from college

332 (58.3)

93 (58.1)

 Some grad school or completed grad school

162 (28.5)

40 (25.0)

  1. aRace and Ethnicity categories were collapsed to avoid empty cells. Race categories “American Indian/Alaskan Native” n = 2, “Asian” n = 26, “Black or African American” n = 8, “More than One Race” n = 46, “Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander” n = 6, “Unknown” n = 36 were combined under “Other race, multiple race, or unknown”. For our Ethnicity variable, the category “Unknown” n = 22 was set to missing