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Table 2 Patient-centered questions that informed design of the COMPASS care plan

From: The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a cluster-randomized pragmatic trial

Patient-centered question

Incorporation into the COMPASS Care Plan (COMPASS-CP)

What are my health concerns?

The COMPASS-CP template identifies health problems and concerns, both clinical and non-clinical, which could influence health, independence, and recovery

Why is this important to me?

The template explains the importance of each of the “problem” domains based on the results from the 4 assessments. COMPASS’s four dimensions of care are used to relay the importance of targeting the “problem” domains during stroke recovery.

How do I find my way forward?

Recommendations for patient self-management or referrals that are unique to the stroke survivors’ needs are included, consistent with patient goals and preferences