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Table 1 Demographic characteristics and results of vestibular testing

From: A clinical 3D pointing test differentiates spatial memory deficits in dementia and bilateral vestibular failure


Normal vestibular function, normal cognition

BVP, normal cognition

Normal vestibular function, cognitive deficit

BVP, cognitive deficit

N (of which females)

67 (37)

32 (11)

28 (14)

9 (6)

Mean age in years

48.42 ± 18.17

58.94 ± 15.40

72.36 ± 7.87

63.56 ± 11.72

Mean MOCA score

28.86 ± 1.41

28.12 ± 1.48

22.52 ± 3.14

23.13 ± 3.14

vHIT left side gain (60ms)

1.02 ± 0.20

0.32 ± 0.26

0.94 ± 0.24

0.30 ± 0.18

vHIT right side gain (60ms)

0.99 ± 0.26

0.29 ± 0.20

0.91 ± 0.29

0.35 ± 0.25

mean caloric slow phase velocity (WR)

-19.43 ± 14.36°/s

-1.08 ± 1.50 °/s

-20.80 ± 14.44°/s

-0.90 ± 1.94°/s

mean caloric slow phase velocity (WL)

22.40 ± 14.72°/s

1.77 ± 1.36°/s

24.14 ± 17.50°/s

1.44 ± 1.47°/s

mean caloric slow phase velocity (CR)

14.22 ± 7.23°/s

1.68 ± 1.55°/s

13.68 ± 8.57°/s

2.08 ± 2.26°/s

mean caloric slow phase velocity (CL)

-20.07 ± 9.49°/s

-2.52 ± 4.49°/s

-17.23 ± 8.49°/s

-1.31 ± 1.47°/s