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Fig. 1 | BMC Neurology

Fig. 1

From: Exploring the role of mitochondrial-associated and peripheral neuropathy genes in the pathogenesis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy

Fig. 1

GO terms and KEGG pathways significantly altered in the DPN vs. HC comparison. Enriched GO terms and KEGG signaling pathways associated with dysregulated genes. Subsequently, Over-Representation Analysis (ORA) was conducted for Biological Process (BP), Cellular Component (CC), and Molecular Function (MF) subcategories. Figure 2A–F showcase the top 30 relevant GO terms within each ontology, featuring a p-value < 0.05 and ranked by gene ratio. Dot sizes correspond to the number of overlapping genes, while p-values are color-coded as per the legend’s scale. AC Lollipop plots depict the top 30 GO terms for (A) BP, (B) CC, and (C) MF derived from DEGs in the GSE185011 dataset. DF Lollipop plots display the top 30 GO terms for (D) BP, (E) CC, and (F) MF from DEGs in the GSE95849 dataset. G-H Lollipop plots illustrate the top 30 significantly enriched KEGG pathways from DEGs in GSE185011 and GSE95849 datasets, respectively. IL Bayesian network (BN) plots demonstrate the relationships among the involved genes in significantly enriched GO terms and KEGG pathways related to the mitochondrion: (I) mitochondria-associated endoplasmic reticulum membrane (CC term) in the GSE185011 dataset; (J) mitochondrial intermembrane space (CC term) in the GSE185011 dataset; (K) KEGG raw map of the apoptosis pathway (hsa04210) indicating DEGs in GSE185011 (tomato red box) and GSE95849 datasets (sky blue box)

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