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Table 4 mRS 90 d - multivariate analysis (logistic regression); n = 171. In the full model, the mentioned characteristics from Tables 1 and 3 are taken into account. In the stepwise selection, the characteristics for which the p-value is below a specified level are selected from all characteristics using a stepwise procedure. This level was set at p < 0.05. To simplify matters, in the multivariate analysis, group 2 and 3 in pre mRS have been combined

From: Triple platelet inhibition in intracranial thrombectomy with additional acute cervical stent angioplasty due to tandem lesion: a retrospective single-center analysis


full model

stepwise selection (p < 0.05)

pre mRS 1 vs. 0

0.84 (0.31 ; 2.28), p = 0.729

0.76 (0.29 ; 1.97), p = 0.566

pre mRS 2–3 vs. 0

0.35 (0.12 ; 1.04), p = 0.059

0.30 (0.11 ; 0.86), p = 0.024


0.21 (0.05 ; 0.84), p = 0.027

0.22 (0.07 ; 0.68), p = 0.009


0.45 (0.15 ; 1.40), p = 0.169



3.22 (1.03 ; 10.11), p = 0.045

3.71 (1.23 ; 11.22), p = 0.020


1.70 (0.76 ; 3.84), p = 0.199



1.84 (0.64 ; 5.29), p = 0.257


cardiac disease

0.29 (0.12 ; 0.71), p = 0.007

0.35 (0.15 ; 0.85), p = 0.021


1.92 (0.87 ; 4.25), p = 0.106


Puncture time to recan. (min)

0.99 (0.99 ; 1.00), p = 0.125



0.87 (0.82 ; 0.93), p < 0.001

0.88 (0.83 ; 0.93), p < 0.001