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Table 1 Guidelines for interventions based on arising 'flags'

From: From rehabilitation to recovery: protocol for a randomised controlled trial evaluating a goal-based intervention to reduce depression and facilitate participation post-stroke



Intervention options

Post-discharge services

- The services organised at discharge from inpatient rehabilitation have not commenced as scheduled

- Contact relevant service to determine referral status

- Liaise with inpatient rehabilitation clinicians to verify referral status

Activity status

- Decline in activity status/functional decline (including PADL, mobility, continence)

- Failure to progress in activity status in valued activities

- If participant is currently attending community-based rehabilitation services, liaise with relevant team members (such as OT/PT/SP)

- If participant is not attending any community-based rehabilitation services, refer to relevant health professional for assessment and management

- Inform participant about local services (such as exercise groups, hydrotherapy) as appropriate

- Refer to GP for review (to exclude medical basis for decline in functional ability)

- Refer to Continence Clinic, if appropriate

- Refer to ACAS, if appropriate


- Decline in cognitive function (reports from patient, family, carer)

- Safety concerns due to cognitive impairments

- Evidence of marked change in MMSE performance between assessment timepoints

- Refer for medical evaluation (such as GP/Rehabilitation Medicine Specialist/Geriatrician).

- If participant is currently attending community-based rehabilitation services, liaise with OT regarding cognitive assessment and management

- If participant is not attending any community-based rehabilitation services, refer to OT for assessment and management

- Referral to Cognitive Dementia and Memory Service as appropriate


- Episodes of falls

- Fear of falling limiting function

- Monitor number and nature of falls during contacts with participant.

- If participant is currently attending community-based rehabilitation services, liaise with relevant team members. If team is unaware of falls, request a falls risk assessment.

- If participant is not attending any community-based rehabilitation services, refer to relevant health professional for a falls risk assessment and management

Mood status

- GDS-15 score of ≥ 6 points, or marked change in GDS-15 score between assessment timepoints

- Evidence during contacts of depression or mood change

- Referral to GP

- Encouragement to participate in valued activities

- Encouragement to participate in physical activity (as able) and enhance social contacts

- Referral to CATS if urgent assessment required

Goals/Participation status

- Failure to resume, or reduced participation in, valued activities that should be achievable post-stroke

- goals not being achieved based on GAS ratings at 6 & 12 month assessments

- identify barriers to goal achievement

- re-establish goals as required (with regard to both timeframes and attainment level)

- If participant is currently attending community-based rehabilitation services, liaise with relevant team members (such as OT/PT/SP)

- If participant is not attending any community-based rehabilitation services, refer to relevant health professional who can assist with facilitating and enhancement of participation status and goal attainment

Health/Medical status

- hospital inpatient re-admission during the 12 month follow-up period

- if the researcher has knowledge of the admission, contact by phone at two weeks post-discharge to monitor status.

Informal support

- absence of informal supports that is resulting in evidence of loneliness or lack of emotional support

- Provide information to the participant about relevant local community groups/services. Facilitate referral to group/service

- Provide information about closest Stroke Support Group

Carer status (for consented carer participants)

- Evidence of reduced carer coping or stress during contacts

- GDS-15 score of ≥ 6 points

- Zarit Burden Interview > 24 points

- Aim to identify causes of reduced coping/stress

- Provide information regarding carer resources (refer to information given at inpatient rehabilitation discharge timepoint). Discuss options.

- If the patient participant is currently attending community-based rehabilitation services, liaise with relevant team members (such as SW)

- Encourage GP review

- Offer ongoing verbal support and encouragement to the carer in their role during contacts

- Continue to engage carer in the rehabilitation process

  1. PADL: Personal activities of daily living
  2. OT: Occupational therapist
  3. PT: Physiotherapist
  4. SP: Speech Pathologist
  5. GP: General practitioner
  6. ACAS: Aged Care Assessment Service
  7. MMSE: Mini-mental State Examination
  8. GDS-15: Geriatric Depression Scale (15 item)
  9. CATS: Crisis Assessment and Treatment Service
  10. GAS: Goal Attainment Scaling
  11. SW: Social Worker