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Table 1 Demographics and clinical data

From: Enhanced catecholamine transporter binding in the locus coeruleus of patients with early Parkinson disease




Subjects N. (male/female)

94 (67/27)

15 (4/11)*

Age at SPECT

60 (38 - 75)

63 (51 - 74)

Age at motor symptoms onset

57 (37 - 72)


Disease duration

3 (1 - 5)


UPDRS motor score (part-III) [range 0 - 108]

19 (8 - 56)


Hoehn and Yahr stage [range 1 - 5]

2 (1 - 2)


L-Dopa in mg/day

400 (0 - 850)


LEDDs in mg/day

250 (70 - 1200)

  1. Data are reported as median and range (brackets). Age at SPECT, age at motor symptoms onset and disease duration are in years. All patients were evaluated with the Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale motor part (UPDRS part III) in drugs-off state (i.e. after overnight withdrawal of specific drugs for PD, no patients was taking long-acting dopaminergic drugs). LEDDs were calculated as follow: 100 mg levodopa = 1.5 mg pramipexole = 6 mg ropinirole. * p = 0.0005.