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Table 4 Proposed new PTA scale

From: Development and external validation of a new PTA assessment scale


What is your age?



Where are you now? (name hospital)



What time is it? (margin 30 minutes)



Which day of the week do you think it is?



Which month of the year do you think it is?



How did you get here? (mode of transport)


On first administration end here and present three words as memory items (procedure see below); on the consecutive administrations (for instance one hour) continue:


Can you recall the three words you heard last




- If less than 3 words are recalled: present the same three words that should have been remembered for this day as memory items.


While presenting the new words:


Can you repeat the words I am presenting you? Immediately after presenting the three words:


Can you tell me the three words you just have heard?


If not: present the words once more and have the patient repeat them.


 Score one point for every correct answer to the items 1–6 (maximum 6 points) and 1 point for every word correctly recalled. 


 Sum score  …./9