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Table 1 Summary of the seven studies that investigated the association between osteoporosis (osteopenia) and BPPV

From: Association between osteoporosis and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: a systematic review


Age range (Mean ± SD)

No. of subjects: control


Percentage female and male

Outcomes evaluated

Conclusions of authors

Vibert 2003 [15]

50 to 85(69 ± 9.2)

32(BPPV):83(Healthy controls)

Case–control study

All were Female


The apparent correlation between BPPV and osteopenia or osteoporosis

Jang2009 [11]

20 to 69

78(BPPV):117 (Healthy controls)

Cohort studies

All were Female

BMD, The number of canalith repositioning maneuvers, The presence of recurrence

Patients with BPPV had lower BMD values compared with control subjects, and patients with low BMD values showed a significant increase in the number of canalith repositioning maneuvers required and the recurrence rate

Jeong2009 [12]

29 to 90 years (59.8 ± 12.5 in test group, 56.3 ± 8.6 in control group)

209(BPPV):202(Healthy controls)

Case–control study

Female: Male in BPPV Group (142:67), in Control (96:106)


Decreased BMD score both in women and in men with BBPV, compared with that in controls.

Mikulec2010 [13]

51 to 80

143(BPPV):117(Controls that with symmetric sensorineural hearing loss and without known vestibular problems)

Case–control study

All were Female

The presence or absence of osteoporosis

There was a negative association between BPPV and treated osteoporosis in women aged 51 to 60 years, and a trend towards a negative association for women aged 61–70 years and for the group as a whole. Osteoporosis, or the medication used to treat it, may provide protection against BPPV.

Yamanaka2013 [16]

50 to 88 (63.7 ± 7.40)

39(Recurrence free): 9 (Single recurrence):13(Multiple recurrence)

Case–control study

All were Female


Osteoporosis is a risk factor for BPPV recurrence. The prognosis of BPPV might be clinically predicted by BMD reduction.

Parham2013 [14]

49 to 81 (66.9 ± 1.8)


Cohort studies

All were Female

BMD. Calcium, Vit D, 25(OH)D3, and Serum Markers of Bone Turnover (sNTX, P1NP)

Postmenopausal women with BPPV have a high prevalence of osteopenia/osteoporosis, and postmenopausal women with osteopenia/osteoporosis have higher than expected prevalence of BPPV. Levels of biochemical markers of bone turnover correlate with presence of BPPV but not Ca or Vit D.

Stefano2013 [17]

65 to 95(72.9 ± 6.14)

1092(BPPV):13(BPPV with osteopenia/osteoporosis)

Multicenter Case–control study

Female: Male(685:407)

Risk of recurrence

Combine with two or more comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes, osteoarthrosis), osteoporosis further increases the risk of relapsing BPPV

  1. SD standard deviation; BMD bone mineral density; CRP canalith-repositioning maneuvers, sNTX amino-terminal telopeptides of collagen; P1NP amino-terminal propeptide of protocollagen type I.