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Table 1 Main characteristics of the study’s sample of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients (N = 342)

From: Determinants of stigma in a cohort of hellenic patients suffering from multiple sclerosis: a cross-sectional study

Mean age ± SD (years old) (Min-Max)

43.06 ± 11.35 (17–69)



Mean duration of disease ± SD (in months)

147.02 ± 105.37 (12–516)

1. Median






2. Subgroups


 0–3.5 (%)

210 (61.4)


 4–7 (%)

117 (34.2)


 >7 (%)

2 (0.6)

 Missing (%)

13 (3.8)





Type of MS


 Males (%)

111 (32.5)

Yes (%)

198 (57.9)

Relapsing-Remitting (%)

260 (75.8)

 Females (%)

231 (67.5)

No (%)

144 (42.1)

Primary Progressive (%)

17 (5.0)

Missing (%)

0 (0)

Secondary Progressive (%)

54 (15.7)

Missing (%)

12 (3.5)

Marital status


Mean healthy lifestyle score ± SD

6.96 ± 2.13

Immunomodulatory drug


 Married or living with someone (%)

193 (56.4)



Yes (%)

227 (66.4)

 Unmarried or living alone (%)

142 (41.5)


No (%)

103 (30.1)

 Missing (%)

7 (2.1)


Missing (%)

12 (3.5)



Presence of mental disorder


Family history of MS


 Primary or Secondary (%)

178 (52.0)

Yes (%)

125 (36.5)

Yes (%)

46 (13.5)

 Tertiary (%)

155 (45.3)

No (%)

217 (63.5)

No (%)

286 (83.6)

 Missing (%)

9 (2.7)

Missing (%)

0 (%)

Missing (%)

10 (2.9)

Working status


Income per month


 Working/student/pensioner (%)

60 (17.5)

<500 (%)

18 (5.3)

SD: standard deviation,

 Not Working (%)

273 (79.8)

≥500 (%)

204 (59.6)

Min: minimum, Max: maximum,

 Missing (%)

9 (2.7)

Missing (%)

120 (35.1)

EDSS: Expanded Disability Status Scale