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Table 1 Baseline demographics and epilepsy characteristics (intent-to-treat population)

From: Comparative effectiveness of levetiracetam, valproate and carbamazepine among elderly patients with newly diagnosed epilepsy: subgroup analysis of the randomized, unblinded KOMET study



VPA stratum

CBZ stratum


LEV (n = 152)

Standard AEDs (n = 155)

LEV (n = 48)

VPA-ER (n = 52)

LEV (n = 104)

CBZ-CR (n = 103)

Age, years, mean (SD)

69.5 (6.2)

69.7 (6.4)

71.1 (6.8)

70.4 (6.5)

68.8 (5.9)

69.3 (6.4)

Gender, n (%)


85 (55.9)

87 (56.1)

25 (52.1)

33 (63.5)

60 (57.7)

54 (52.4)


67 (44.1)

68 (43.9)

23 (47.9)

19 (36.5)

44 (42.3)

49 (47.6)

Number of seizures in the last 2 yearsa, median (Q1–Q3) [n]

4 (2–6) [150]

4 (2–8) [149]

3 (2–6) [47]

3 (2–5) [51]

4 (2–8) [102]

4 (3–10) [99]

Epilepsy durationb, years, median (Q1–Q3)













Seizure typec, n (%)

 Simple focal

30 (19.7)

32 (20.6)

5 (10.4)

4 (7.7)

25 (24.0)

28 (27.2)

 Complex focal

62 (40.8)

62 (40.0)

15 (31.3)

11 (21.2)

47 (45.2)

51 (49.5)

 SG or tonic clonic

84 (55.3)

89 (57.4)

30 (62.5)

38 (73.1)

54 (51.9)

51 (49.5)


4 (2.6)

4 (2.6)

3 (6.3)

3 (5.8)

1 (1.0)

1 (1.0)


5 (3.3)

3 (1.9)

4 (8.3)

3 (5.8)

1 (1.0)


  1. Abbreviations: AED antiepileptic drug, CBZ carbamazepine, CBZ-CR controlled-release carbamazepine, LEV levetiracetam, SG secondarily generalised, VPA sodium valproate, VPA-ER extended-release sodium valproate
  2. aOverall: LEV, n = 149; standard AEDs, n = 150. CBZ stratum: LEV, n = 102; CBZ-CR, n = 99. VPA stratum: LEV, n = 47; VPA-ER, n = 51
  3. bTime since first seizure
  4. cPatients are counted once in each type of seizure experienced
  5. dIncluding absence, myoclonic, clonic, tonic and atonic seizures
  6. eIncluding unclassified, unable to clarify and unknown seizure types