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Table 1 In- and exclusion criteria for participants in RATS-3 and in the SPEAK cohort

From: Validation of a prediction model for long-term outcome of aphasia after stroke





First-ever aphasia due to stroke

First-ever aphasia due to stroke

Aphasia ascertained by a speech and language therapist using the 36-item Token Testa and/or a score < 5 on the ASRS

Aphasia ascertained by a neurologist and a speech and language therapist

Testable with the ScreeLing

A score below the cut-off point of the Token Test and/or the ScreeLing

Within two weeks of stroke onset

Within two to six days of stroke onset

Age between 18 and 85


Language near-native Dutch

Language near-native Dutch

A life expectancy of >six months


Able to tolerate intensive treatment



A subarachnoid or subdural hemorrhage


Success or feasibility of intensive language treatment was severely threatened by:

Presence of one of the following criteria:

- severe dysarthria

- severe dysarthria

- premorbid dementia

- pre-stroke dementia (suspected or confirmed)

- illiteracy

- illiteracy

- severe developmental dyslexia

- developmental dyslexia

- severe visual perceptual disorders

- severe perceptual disorders of vision or hearing

- recent psychiatric history

- psychiatric history

  1. aDe Renzi, E, Faglioni, P. Normative data and screening power of a shortened version of the Token Test. Cortex 1978;14:41–49