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Table 1 Overview of the results of the interviews categorized into themes, categories and a summary

From: Exploring the Parkinson patients’ perspective on home-based video recording for movement analysis: a qualitative study




Camera recording

Control over the camera

Patients indicate that they would like to control when the camera is turned on and off (81%). It would not be a problem if the camera is visible (69%) and patients would consent for continuous measurements of 2 weeks up to 3 months (100%).

Visibility of the camera

Recording duration

Privacy protection

Patient’s behaviour

Patient’s behaviour would probably be affected by awareness of the camera in the beginning (62%), but this will quickly reduce to normal. It is important that not only patients consent to being filmed, but also partners and depending on the location other people visiting the house. The living room was acceptable for all patients (100%).

Partner’s consent

Camera location

Perceived motivation

Contribution in science

The motivation of patients to participate in these projects relate to contributing to science and thereby helping future patients (100%). A potential personal benefit, when these video techniques would be used to give feedback on functioning to their treating physician, would also be a strong motivation.

Helping other patients

Personal benefits