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Table 1 Characteristics of the 210 participating hospitals according to hospital level and administrative region

From: Neurology practice and stroke services across East China: a multi-site, county-level hospital-based survey


Overall (n = 195)

Hospital level (n = 192)

Administrative region (n = 195)

Tertiary(n = 61)

Secondary(n = 131)

Anhui (n = 53)

Zhejiang (n = 74)

Jiangsu (n = 52)

Shanghai(n = 16)

Hospital level a

 Tertiary (high level)

61 (31.3%)

4 (7.5%)

27 (36.5%)

23 (44.2%)

7 (43.8%)

 Secondary (moderate level)

131 (67.2%)

48 (90.6%)

45 (60.8%)

29 (55.8%)

9 (56.3%)

 Primary (low level)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

 Missing b

3 (2.5%)

1 (1.9%)

2 (2.7%)

0 (0%)

0 (0%)

Teaching hospital


99 (50.8%)

52 (85.2%)

47 (35.9%)

15 (28.3%)

34 (45.9%)

39 (75.0%)

11 (68.8%)


96 (49.2%)

9 (14.8%)

84 (64.1%)

38 (71.7%)

40 (54.1%)

13 (25.0%)

5 (31.3%)

Stroke center


80 (41.0%)

39 (63.9%)

41 (31.3%)

4 (7.5%)

31 (41.9%)

36 (69.2%)

9 (56.3%)

 Comprehensive stroke center

13 (16.3%)

8 (20.5%)

5 (12.2%)

0 (0%)

3 (9.7%)

5 (13.9%)

5 (55.6%)

 Primary stroke center

67 (83.8%)

31 (79.5%)

36 (87.8%)

4 (100%)

28 (90.3%)

31 (86.1%)

4 (44.4%)

 Under construction

64 (32.8%)

18 (29.5%)

46 (35.1%)

24 (45.3%)

28 (37.8%)

9 (17.3%)

3 (18.8%)


51 (26.1%)

4 (6.6%)

44 (33.6%)

25 (47.2%)

15 (20.3%)

7 (13.5%)

4 (25.0%)

Multimodel CTA in Emergency Room


90 (46.2%)

45 (73.8%)

45 (34.4%)

16 (30.2%)

29 (39.2%)

33 (63.4%)

12 (75.0%)


105 (53.8%)

16 (26.2%)

86 (65.6%)

37 (69.8%)

45 (60.8%)

19 (36.5%)

4 (25.0%)

Neurology department


162 (83.1%)

61 (100%)

101 (77.0%)

39 (73.6%)

56 (75.7%)

52 (100%)

15 (93.8%)


33 (16.9%)

0 (0%)

30 (22.9%)

14 (26.4%)

18 (24.3%)

0 (0%)

1 (6.3%)

Neurology Emergency


46 (23.6%)

25 (42.2%)

21 (16.0%)

11 (20.8%)

11 (14.8%)

14 (26.9%)

10 (62.5%)


149 (76.4%)

36 (57.8%)

110 (84.0%)

42 (79.2%)

63 (85.1%)

38 (73.1%)

6 (37.5%)

  1. Values are number (percent) when appropriate. CTA Computed tomography angiography
  2. a In China, all hospitals are classified into 3 levels: primary, secondary, and tertiary. Primary level hospitals (low level, 100 beds) aim to provide basic public health services and consulting for their residents. Secondary (moderate level, 101–500 beds) and tertiary (high level, > 500 beds) hospitals provide specialized care
  3. b The number of head of neurology departments who finished documentbut did not provide an answer to this item