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Table 1 The participants characteristics at stroke onset and at five years post-stroke (n = 281)

From: Experienced pain after stroke: a cross-sectional 5-year follow-up study


 Age at time of stroke onset, mean (SD)

65.4 (13.5)

 Sex, n (%)


171 (60.9)


110 (39.1)

 Stroke type, n (%)


218 (77.6)


36 (12.8)


27 (9.6)

 NIHSS at stroke onset, n (%), n = 230

  Very mild (0–2)

144 (62.6)

  Mild (3–4)

25 (10.9)

  Moderate (5–15)

46 (20.0)

  Severe (16–46)

15 (6.5)

  Median (min-max)

1 (0–24)

 H&H, n (%), n = 27

  Grade 1

4 (14.8)

  Grade 2

14 (51.9)

  Grade 3

2 (7.4)

  Grade 4

4 (14.8)

  Grade 5

1 (3.7)


2 (7.4)

 Comorbidity, n (%), n = 276

  Musculoskeletal disorder

36 (13.0)

  Pain-related disorders

76 (27.5)

Characteristics five years post-stroke

 Do you receive help with eating/drinking? n (%) n = 277


4 (1.4)

 Do you receive help going to the bathroom? n (%) n = 279


15 (5.4)

 Do you receive help getting dressed? n (%), n = 278


19 (6.8)

 Do you receive help with grocery shopping? n (%), n = 279


73 (26.2)

 Do you receive help with cleaning? n (%), n = 279


117 (41.9)

 What is your level of mobility? n (%), n = 279

  Intact mobility

250 (89.6)

  Restricted mobility

29 (10.4)

 Do you feel depressed? n (%), n = 270

  Experiencing depression

38 (14.1)

  Not experiencing depression

232 (85.9)

 Do you feel pain? n (%), n = 271

  Experiencing more pain

42 (15.5)

  Experiencing less pain

229 (84.5)

 Self-perceived recovery post-stroke (SIS), median (min-max), n = 261

80 (0–100)

 Self-perceived health status post-stroke (EQ VAS), median (min-max), n = 254

80 (10–100)

  1. Abbreviations: IS Ischaemic stroke, ICH Intracerebral haemorrhage, SAH Subarachnoid haemorrhage, NHISS National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, H&H Hunt and Hess, SIS Stroke Impact Scale, EQ-VAS EuroQol Quality of life scale- Visual analogue scale