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Table 2 Classification and location of AIS patients in PHOTAR and PUFH

From: Characteristics of acute ischemic stroke in hospitalized patients in Tibet: a retrospective comparative study


PHOTAR (n = 236)

PUFH (n = 1021)


Infarction location

Basal ganglion, n (%)

60 (25.4)

268 (26.3)


Cerebral lobe, n (%)

118 (50.0)

432 (42.4)


Corona radiata, n (%)

28 (11.9)

503 (49.4)

< 0.001

Thalamus, n (%)

14 (5.9)

124 (12.2)


Cerebellum, n (%)

20 (8.5)

79 (7.7)


Brainstem, n (%)

22 (9.3)

209 (20.5)

< 0.001

Supratentorial location, n (%)

198 (83.9)

747 (73.5)

< 0.001

Deep location, n (%)

74 (41.1)

360 (54.7)


TOAST subtype



LAAS, n (%)

166 (70.3)

664 (65.0)


Small vessel disease, n (%)

7 (3.0)

242 (23.7)


Cardioembolism, n (%)

29 (12.3)

98 (9.6)


OSCP subtype



TACI, n (%)

21 (8.9)

11 (1.1)


PACI, n (%)

153 (64.8)

484 (49,2)


POCI, n (%)

61 (25.8)

254 (25.8)


LACI, n (%)

1 (0.4)

235 (23.9)

  1. AIS Acute ischemic stroke, LAAS Large-artery atherosclerosis, OSCP Oxfordshire Stroke Classification Project, TACI Total anterior circulation infarcts, PACI Partial anterior circulation infarcts, POCI Posterior circulation infarcts, LACI Lacunar infarcts, PHOTAR People’s Hospital of Tibet Autonomous Region, PUFH Peking University First Hospital, TOAST Trial of Org 10,172 in Acute Stroke Treatment