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Table 6 Studies investigating gender, race, cognitive function, and other measures of biological ageing

From: Factors associated with brain ageing - a systematic review


Study (Design, country)

n, Mean age ± SD (Range), Sex, Other information

Modality (Protocol)


Model (Cross-validation)


Main findings outcome



Cognitively normal, younger/ amyloid negative adults from 6 studies (US)

♀: n = 108; ♂: n = 76; Age unknown

PET (18F-FDG; 15O-O2, −CO, −H2O)


RF [10-fold]


When trained on ♂ only, GAP ↓ in ♀ (−3.8 yrs., p <  0.01). When trained on ♀ only, GAP ↑ in ♂ (+ 2.4 yrs., p < 0.04)



UK Biobank

n = 19,000, 10,112♀; Age unknown

MRI (T1, rfMRI, tfMRI, T2 FLAIR, dMRI, swMRI [3 T])


Non-LR [10-fold]

Gender; cognitive function; imaging features

GAP 0.7 yrs. ↑ in ♀ than ♂. GAP correlates ↓ psychomotor &/or executive function (DSST: r = − 0.06; reaction time: r = 0.05; TMT-B: r = 0.08), fluid intelligence (r = − 0.05), & visual memory (pairs matching: r = 0.07; all -log10P > 8). Correlates with GM & WB volume (r ~ − 0.59 to − 0.49), & microstructure (r ~ 0.25 to 0.41), with differences between sexes (no p-value)

aAge, age2, gender


Lothian Birth Cohort 1936 (LBC1936) (Scotland)

n = 669, 72.7 ± 0.7 yrs., 317♀

MRI (T1[3T])

Voxel-wise WB volume

GPR [10-fold (×1000)]

Gender; MRI; epigenetic clock; TL

♀ PAD (− 1.29 yrs) ↓ than ♂ (4.29 yrs., p < 0.001). NS association with epigenetic clock (ρ = − 0.007), or TL (r = 0.04). Correlates ↑ CSF, WMH & FA (r ~ 0.27 to 0.49); ↓ GM, WM, CT & MD (r ~ − 0.16 to − 0.47; no p-value)



Dunedin Longitudinal Study (New Zealand)

n = 869, 45.2 ± 0.7 (43.5–47.0)yrs.; Cognitive data collected at 3, 7, 9, & 11 yrs. of age; Sex unknown

MRI (T1[3T])

CT, SA & subcortical volume

Stacked RF (SVR)

Adult cognitive function & decline; ageing; brain health at age 3

BA score associated with ↓ total & sub-domains of cognitive function (β ~ − 0.09 to − 0.20) & decline (β ~ − 0.07 to − 0.12; all p < 0.05). ↓ Brain health (β = − 0.12, p < 0.05). ↑ Ageing (pace: β = 0.22; facial: β = 0.15; both p < 0.05)



Community dwelling adults recruited at university medical center (Germany)

n = 34, 68.8 ± 5.3 (61–80) yrs., 20♀

MRI (T1[3T])

Voxel-wise WB volume


Cognitive function

BranAGE NS correlated with working memory (r = 0.01, p = 0.98)



Community dwelling adults from DEU [1], CR/RANN [2], & TILDA [3] studies (Turkey, unknown, Ireland)

1) n = 175, 69.0 ± 8.6 (47.6–93.5) yrs., 104♀; 2) n = 380, 52.4 ± 17.1 (19–80) yrs., 210♀; 3) n = 470, 68.6 ± 7.2 (50–88) yrs., 260♀

MRI (T1[1.5/3 T])

Voxel-wise GM density

E-Net [Nested 10-fold]

Cognitive function

1&2) GAP correlates ↓ general cognition (1: ρ = − 0.32; 2: ρ = − 0.14), semantic verbal fluency (1: ρ = − 0.25; 2: ρ = − 0.20) & executive function (TMT-B minus A: 1: ρ ~ 0.12 to 0.27; replicated p <  0.05). 1–3) ↓ psychomotor & executive function (TMT-B: ρ ~ 0.09 to 0.27; replicated p <  0.05)

aAge; bAge, gender


UK Biobank

n = 14,701, 62.6 ± 7.5 yrs., 7914♀

MRI (T1, rfMRI, tfMRI, T2 FLAIR, dMRI, swMRI [3 T])


LASSO [10-fold]

Cognitive function

↑ GAP associated with ↓ fluid intelligence (B = -0.15), psychomotor &/or executive functions (TMT-B: B = 0.002; tower rearranging: B = -0.12) & non-verbal fluid reasoning (matrix pattern completion: B = -0.22; all p < 0.001)

abAge; bage2, gender, height, volumetric scaling, & tfMRI head motion


UK Biobank

Discovery: n = 12,378, 46-79 yrs.; Replication: n = 4456, 47-80 yrs.; Sex unknown

MRI (T1[3T])

Voxel-based MNI, Jacobian map, GM and WM volume

CNN [Data splitting]

Cognitive function

GAP associated with ↓ psychomotor and/or executive functions (DSST: r = − 0.08; reaction time: r = 0.03; TMT-A, B, & minus A: r ~ 0.05 to 0.08; all p < 0.0056). Fluid intelligence, numeric/prospective/visual memory NS

aAge, age2, gender, TICV, 40 PCs, head motion, genotyping, study site


Community dwelling adults from 1 of 6 studies (US)

n = 185, 64.9 ± 8.3 yrs., 91♀

MRI (T1[3T])

Voxel-wise WB volume


Cognitive function

↑ BrainAGE correlates ↓ semantic verbal fluency (r = − 0.25, p = 0.006)

bAge, gender, diabetes duration


Harvard Ageing Brain Study (US)

AA: n = 43, 62-88 yrs., 32♀; Matched NHW: n = 43, 65-90 yrs., 30♀; Unmatched NHW: n = 43, 64-86 yrs., 29♀

MRI (T1[3T])

CT (Racially different regions in high amyloid group)



GAP −1.05 yrs. for AA & matched NHW; or 0.92 yrs. when unmatched (no p-value). GAP remained when controlling for WMH (AA&Matched: − 0.88 yrs.; Unmatched: − 0.64 yrs.; no p-value)

aWith/without adjust WMH

  1. Bold = Results corrected for multiple comparisons; aBrain age adjustment; bModel adjustment; 15O-O2/CO/H2O Oxygen 15 labeled oxygen, carbon dioxide, or water; 18F-FDG [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose; AA African Americans; AG Regional aerobic glycolysis; CBF Cerebral blood flow; CMRGlc Regional total glucose use; CMRO2 Oxygen consumption; CNN Convolutional Neural Networks; CR/RANN Cognitive Reserve/Reference Ability Neural Network Study; CSF Cerebral spinal fluid; CT Cortical thickness; DEU Dokuz Eylul University; dMRI Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging; E-Net Elastic-Net; FA Fractional anisotropy; FLAIR = T2-weighted fluid-attenuated inversion recovery structural imaging; GM Grey matter; GPR Gaussian process regression; IDP Imaging derived phenotypes (i.e., summary measures of structural and functional brain phenotypes); LASSO Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator regression; LOO Leave one out; LR Linear regression; MD Mean diffusivity; MNI Montreal Neurological Institute; MRI Magnetic resonance imaging; NHW Non-Hispanic Whites; NS Not significant; PC Principal-component analysis; PET Positron emission tomography; RF Random forest; RfMRI Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging; RVR Relevance vector regression; SA Surface area; SwMRI Suceptibility-weighted imaging; SVR Support vector regression; TfMRI Task functional magnetic resonance imaging; TICV = Total intracranial volume; TILDA = The Irish Longitudinal Study of Ageing; TL = Telomere length; TMT Trail making test a [92]; WB Whole brain; WM White matter; WMH White matter hyperintensities